Breaking The Law

Well..I listened to it on my cheap headphones here at work....Not bad. My only concern is that, even though its midi, the drum tracks might be a tad low...also..and I'll listen to it again closer guit tracks don't seem to sync with Hyde's...I seem to be just a tad behind.
mmuhh sounds cool
i thought you wanted dry tack vox to add over dubs effects and stuff like delay on that last note
Cool Eddy. I don't think the guitars are prominent enough in the mix... Imagine that! :lol::lol: Good mix for a bass player or vocalist though! :D :headbang:
Awright! :cool: 7th: I'll get to it. I just want to get the basics done before doing some minor tweaking etc. Btw, I did a similar mixdown of the song but with distorted bass. Sounds quite, err, raunchy? :lol: I'll post that version too if I can be arsed to get it sound right.
Okay, I got frustrated having loads and loads of different files around my hard disks. So what did I do? I got rid of all of them. Except for the drum and bass files and the mp3s you guys sent. I started all over again. I mixed the drums from scratch. I did a 'hard mix' of Rabies' guitars and EQd the files a bit. I also EQd Hyde's guitar a bit, to get a bit more of the lower frequencies prominent. I panned the guitars 70/70 after compressing them a bit to get the sounds leveled. I even recorded a new bass track. I'm much happier with it now. Way better than the previous (both, sound and playing wise), and this time with some extra too. The only thing I didn't change compared to the previous working mixes I had (and made after uploading that last mp3) was the vocals. I did add some little spice here and there but all in all they are quite plain. The file is at As always, comments welcome. :)
So I take it this will be the final version?

Suits me!

But let's see what Rabies has to say about it first. :cool:
Ok...I listened - 5 times. Various speakers.
Much better mix. I think the levels are perfect across the board. I love the effects (siren, etc) in the middle. Nice work there...and the vocal effects in the same area. Interesting mimicing the guitars during the chorus on bass..that threw me for a minute...:D

Now..for the bad news. I think you need to go back and work on the vocals just a tad more. Don't touch the sections where you added effects..end/middle. Those are great. But overall, I think the vox need to mix in better...and I think you can accomplish that by applying more reverb, or try duping track 2 more times with those having a lot more reverb and panned hard left and right..and mix all 3 appropriately...or maybe chorus. It is the right level, it just sits way too far 'forward' in my headspace and does not blend well with the instruments.

Good luck...getting vocals in is what I usually end up spending 50% of my mixing time on. It is very tough.
Clip one sounds more natural and is smoother..
However, I like the edge the reverb gives on the second i am torn between the two. I'll go with the majority...though I am inclined to vote for #2

Comparing to the first mix you sent, both are significant improvements to my ears.
These sound great! :kickass::headbang:
Let us know when you cpy up an .mp3 version of the final! Hopefully, EC posts this up on the site soon.

I'll update the status thread to reflect we are done with this one.