Breakthrough Female Urinal!

this is sure to please the ladies 'cause womens' bathroom lines are always sucky at concerts.

Girls-Only Urinal To Make Australian Debut At BIG DAY OUT Festival - Jan. 26, 2005 is reporting that the girls-only urinal (Photo#1, Photo#2) will make its Australian debut at this year's Big Day Out concert in Melbourne, featuring performances by SLIPKNOT, SYSTEM OF A DOWN and HATEBREED, among many others.

The Shee Pee, as its affectionately known in Europe, was designed in a bid to cut long restroom lines and offer women a more hygienic option to conventional toilets.

And while organizers agree it might take some a little practice, they believe women will quickly adapt to the idea of peeing while standing.

"After the huge success of the female-only urinals at the Glastonbury music festival in Britain last year, we thought it was definitely a service that women at the Big Day Out in Melbourne would really appreciate," Big Day Out promoter Vivian Lees said.

The Shee Pee concept works thanks to a disposable, leak-proof paper funnel which gives women the freedom to stand.

The funnels can also be used to avoid sitting on conventional toilets, which will also be provided at Melbourne's Big Day Out.

The funnels, called P-Mates (image), are distributed in Australia by Small World Enterprises.

Company spokesman Kees de Jong said it was "simple to use" with pants, skirts and dresses, however P-Mate hostesses would be on hand to offer guidance where it was needed.

"The P-Mate is a convenient, hygienic, discreet solution to the long queues and other problematic circumstances which confront women, particularly at large events," he said.

The Shee Pee and P-Mate were first used at music festivals in the Netherlands and featured at the Glastonbury festival for the first time last year.

Big Day Out organizers said the stand-up option could be rolled out across the country if the trial is successful at Melbourne's January 30 event.

Big Day Out festivals are held across Australia every year in Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne and on the Gold Coast.
Well whatever works. I would feel kinda wierd if I saw chicks standing up to pee though. Just seems un natural, but whatever. Its amazing we pay people lots of moeny to come up with these ideas.
lizard said:
yeah but if you've ever gone with a chick to a sporting event or concert, and seen the long lines for the womens' bathrooms....anything that speeds up the "process" has got to be good for them....

just think, now the ladies can pee hearts in the snow!!

Yeah your right. Watching a girl pee through a plastic funnel a heart in the snow might be a little disturbing if you were walking up behind her and couldnt see the funnel. :err:

"It wouldd be like uhhh so they do exist." You know hermaphrodites. eww creepy thought. I mean I know they exist but its just like okay this is to hard to explain. :confused:
I saw the ladies of The View demonstrate this handy item several years ago on their program.

Meredith Viera had never been so excited as she was that day.
that is fuckin awesome, becuase as we all know the urinal is the greatest invention ever.


neal said:
that is fuckin awesome, becuase as we all know the urinal is the greatest invention ever.


Except it kinda looks like theyre peeing in buckets... :err:
I think its creepy, and I dont really see how it would speed the process up any. Fidgetting with your pee funnel would probably take longer then pulling down your pants. If your scared of disease, pack some lysol beyotches!