Brent Averill 1073 mic pre?

Mike 24

Jul 23, 2007
Anyone try this mic pre on metal guitars?
Just wondering if it's worth the extra dollars as compared to an API 3124 or Great River?

If I were to go for any Brent Averill stuff, I'd get the 1272 (a happy medium of price), cuz that thing gives me an X-TREME gondo boner. However, I have to admit, the lack of even a peaking LED indicator frightens my n00b tendencies...
damned sweet pres...but in all honesty, i don't know that the results are going to be any "better" than an API or GR, unless you rrrrrrrrrreally want the EQ, which i must say is fucking amazing

even then, if i was gonna drop that much dough on a neve-ish preamp, i would probably get an aurora GTC-2...i think i got the model # right on that. basically it's a 2-channel preamp with neve roots(the guy who makes them was one of the top engineers at neve for a long time), and it's a lot cheaper than even a single channel of BA1073
So why the hell doesn't Neve make anything anymore, if the stuff is so desirable? There's Rupert Neve Designs, but that seems to be something of a branch-off, maybe I'm wrong...
from what i understand, to make a long story short, dude's a great electrical engineer, but a shitty businessman

that's why he's made shit under a variety of different names over the years...of course there's the original neve stuff, whose name got bought out by someone else when they went under

then he designed the early focusrite shit, or at least ISA110 channel strip that they've based almost everything they've done since off of...then there was a couple other companies in there somewhere before the more recent rupert neve designs

i'm sure a wiki search or something would give better answers than myself
here goes:

Companies Associated or Affiliated with Neve


Neve's first company was a manufacturer of high end recording consoles in England. It was originally operated out of Neve's home, and moved to its own premises in the late 1960s. It was sold in 1973 to Bonochord Group of companies. Rupert Neve left the company in 1975.

AMS Neve

The original Neve group was sold to Siemens in 1985, and the company closed down the Neve group and turned into a Siemens subsidiary, AMS LTD (often AMS/Neve). This company has no affiliation with Neve, but has several of the original staff from the Neve group.


The company made outboard gear, mainly dynamic processors and equalizers. The company was liquidated in 1989. Mr. Phil Dudderidge, who incorporated a new company Focusrite Audio Engineering Ltd, bought the assets of Focusrite Ltd. He still manufactures the designs from Focusrite LTD, and still markets the products designed by Neve. Neve has not designed any products for the Focusrite brand name since he sold the company.


ARN Consultants helped Amek design Consoles

Taylor Guitars

Neve designed the ES pickup system for Taylors acoustic guitars

Legendary Audio

ARN Consultants designed the 2 channel mastering box, the Masterpiece.

Rupert Neve Designs

ARN Consultants currently trades under this name. Rupert Neve Designs markets a small variety of microphone preamplifiers, equalizers and compressors. Rupert Neve Designs also manufactures a high quality line mixer, the 5088.