Bring back the tour programmes


Oct 19, 2003
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Who misses the good old tour programmes prob the next best thing to your ticket stub but i havent seen saxon give us fans a tour prog to buy at there concerts for ages but i might be wrong and havent seen them i dont no but i miss saxon putting a tour prog on sale at there concerts who thinks they should bring them back or have they all gone of to germany ? lololololololol :hotjump: :rock:
Yeah I completely agree with this idea. If they need to sell them in many countries maybe they could have panels with different languages like the manuals that come with electrical appliances?

Its surely a good money-making idea for the band, and would provide the fans with a good souvenir. At the moment all I have is an old, battered Eagle Has Landed prog that somebody bought me as a present, and the Bloodstock 03 prog has them in for a couple of pages.
Yes on this one except, all are important T-shirt, ticket stub, Tour programme but not as important as a American tour being that they have not been here quit a long time that's the most important for me.

They need to come back to Seattle we just opened a brand new club called the Premerie and it would be a ideal place for them play.

saxon747rock said:
Who misses the good old tour programmes prob the next best thing to your ticket stub but i havent seen saxon give us fans a tour prog to buy at there concerts for ages but i might be wrong and havent seen them i dont no but i miss saxon putting a tour prog on sale at there concerts who thinks they should bring them back or have they all gone of to germany ? lololololololol :hotjump: :rock: