Tour programmes


Oct 19, 2003
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Whats the chance of saxon bringing back the good old tour prog for this tour, think there a good collectors thing to keep for the fans.

go on saxon bring em back.
Hey, that's a great idea !!! :)

I just call a very small collection of Alice Cooper, GNR and Monsters of Rock progs my own ... but I would LOVE to get one from Saxon of course :p !!! Never seen any during the last few years - no matter where and on which tour :confused: . Maybe it is too expensive ?!? Or nobody asked for that ?!? Can't imagine ...


Just think, they'd be £25 in today's money!
Don't bring them back, because I don't want to have to torture myself as to whether or not to spend the cash, regretting it 5 mins after flipping through the pics of the last tour.
I've still got the Wheels of Steel tour programme. There's bugger all in it! A few pictures and a bit of a biog of the band but all in all it's crap.
There's 4 Saxon programmes on ebay right now - prices ranging from £1.99 (buy it now), £2.50, £4.99. and one starting at £9.99. Any time I look for Saxon stuff, there's always a few programmes on at any given time.

I got a load of Diamond Head stuff yesterday. It all arrived in the official Diamond Head black foldery type thing which has been signed on the inside by the band. It contained 2 tour programmes, one of which has been signed by the band. 5 Diamond Head Fan Club Letters, an official 1982 Christmas Card from the band, loads of press cuttings and 2 pages of official merchandise that you used to be able to buy. I've got a couple of the badges and patches but there's an absolutely fantastic Diamond Head mirror which I would practically sell one of my kidneys for. There's also delicious Diamond Head mugs which I would love to get my hands on. I've never seen the mirror or the mugs but no doubt they will surface on ebay one of these days and I'll be right in there with a massive bid!!!

On the merch page there's also the best tshirt of all time - black tshirt and on the front its a small DH logo, then a pic of the band with the words AM I EVIL in big letters below it and on the back a bigger DH logo with the words YES I AM:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: . I need one of those tshirts so bad that it's actually starting to hurt now!!!!

And I also finally managed to get a lovely red Saxon Eagle Has Landed scarf for just a couple of pounds. What thread is this anyway, is the ebay one?????