Does this mean the end. HOPE NOT


Oct 19, 2003
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Ive just read the text on the saxon page, It dosent sound good, Does this mean the end of saxon, i really hope not. All the crap biff and the rest of saxon went through to keep the saxon name from oliver/dawson.

This would be a massive, massive blow to saxon fans worldwide just after bringing out Lionheart deff for me saxons best album to date, and it just shows what saxon are cappable of doing i was looking forward to the follow up to lionheart sometime in the future.

I no it dosent say that saxon are calling it a day, but it almost sounds like it the way the text was wrote.

I can understand biffs cocerns for his family and losing all his things in the fire, thats really bad shit and i like anyone else would feel the same way.

If i was biff now id take a break now untill the end of the summer or maybe the end of the year, forget about the Lionheart tour then after the break go back into he studio and do a follow up to Lionheart, ok so maybe fans will be dissapointed not seeing them on tour for a long while but wouldent that be better then saxon calling it a day allready when they still have so much to give plus after lionheart they got a lot more fans. Plus yeah i no at the end of this year it might be early to go back into the studio to do a follow up to lionheart. But it gives biff and his family a fair bit of time to get things sorted out a bit better without having to go on tour for ages.

I might be wrong with all this what you people think ?

I can fully understand if they would take "a sabatical year", when the circumstances do allow. And then solve evrything..Of course there has to be income etc...roadcrew people etc who are depending on work with Saxon etc... I hope its not the end.. I dont know why I did it ( first of the music of course)but I did buy today a Saxon DVD ( the one that Valanx mentioned to me on this board..) and I bought Rock'n roll gypsies CD and Innocence is no excuse..didnt have them on CD ..only vynil, it did cost me some Euro's but if evryone did this maybe it could help a bit, you never know.. Maybe its time to release a new BIG 3 double DVD Saxon, maybe with some new things about biffs tragedy etc... ( in which he tells about his feelings and the reaction of the fans) and other things discussed on the board ( i will certainly buy a copy) and how they deal with such shit circumstances...

I can fully understand it when they should take a big break!!! I should have done the same...
Saxon747rock - Saxon have already re-arranged the Lionheart tour, so that answers your question about is it the end of Saxon. Obviously this has been a massive blow to Biff and his family, and also to the band and their plans. But it is understandable that Biff has to take some major time out, and he should take as long out as he needs. Even if that means cancelling the re-arranged gigs for a second time. Considering that Biff has lost almost everything, I think once he gets back on his feet, Saxon will end up working harder than ever.

On the other hand; Considering Biff and his family only just got out of the house just in time. Could you blame Biff if he decided he wanted to spend the rest of his life with his family and watching his kids grow up? Thus calling it a day for Saxon? Being totally selfish, I hope this does not happen! But you couldn't blame Biff if he decided he wanted to do that.

Time will tell. But I tend to think the first scenario will be the one that happens.
HeavyCelli - well thought out, mate. The knock-on effect for road crew etc will be pretty harsh. Work that was there for months in advance has now vanished!
But people in that trade are used to this kind of thing. Artists pull out of gigs at the last minute, due to illness etc. So these guys are mentally prepared for inconsistency. It's part of the job. Also, if they were contracted for specific things, some form of insurance will compensate for it. Although, I probably think that these contracts have clauses for just this kind of situation. If a contract has been signed then all these matters have been agreed before hand - whether you get pay or not relating to the circumstances.
Paxo - I agree with all you say. Biff just needs to sort things out. This will take as long as it takes. But, knowing Biff, he will be back as soon as he and his family is comfortable again. Somehow, I can't see him allowing this incident to force him into retirement. The man has to work and he loves his work!
This situation will definately alter the priorities, projects and plans of Saxon, but I'm sure it isn't indicating a pre-mature halt to the band's existence!
Like you stated, Saxon747rock - this may actually mean a new Saxon album coming out sooner. Less touring means more writing time for Quinny, Doug and Nibbs. And, I'm sure Biff is going to be provided with loads of inspiration and such with what he has experienced and how he is feeling.
Let Biff sort things out with his family, and let him return when he is comfortable to do so, and I'm sure that we will see an even bigger, tougher and experienced Biff!
Postponing the Lionheart is fully understandable. As a father and home owner i would have to take time off from my job to set things right and take care of my family before any thoughts of going back to work. Add Biffs job as a touring musician he is not making it home every night at 5pm. I dont think any person would argue their family comes first ..before any band/job and no matter how much it inconveniences us, thats life, and its only a minor inconvenience compared to what Biffs family has gone through . I mean little children losing their home and all ther toys is pretty dramatic... not to mention the fright of a fire

Im pretty upset about the tour on hold, but judging from the circumstances what can you do?? Hope the best for Biff and his family (his first family) and that he will come back to work with his 2nd family Saxon.

As i have said before Saxon has the worst luck in the world. A Tour is to promote your latest release and hope a few people go home and buy it after the gig. Lionheart could be the best Saxon album ever and if so, deserves a full scale tour form south america through Canada and of course Europe and the USA. Saxon has many fans who may go to the shows but probally stopped buying records since the glory days oft eh 80s. This record is what is needed to let these fans know Saxon is back better than ever . LEt alone the new fans that may see the band and check out the CD and tell a few friends

Lionheart is a record that needs to be promoted, not forgotten as just another Saxonrelease and shelved for another release to promote instead. If saxon take a year or whatever off fine... work on new material whatever, but Lionheart deserves a full scale tour. I would rather see all energies focused on touring the shit out of this record than deciding to work on something else
Nicely put, Fred B - Family are definately first. Espicially when it comes down to our children and their happiness.

I completely agree that LH should have be toured to shit (lovely phrase, that!) but we'll just have to wait and see.
There is one positive brought from all this darkness, though - look at the reaction that has been caused because of this situation! This reaction would have not happened ten years back!
And this is where we can help - and are doing so now!
Hopefully, we will draw a little intrigue from people (potential fans)with how we have reacted to the tour problems etc.
In our own way, we are promoting 'Lionheart' on this forum!

They say that the best form of advertising is word-of-mouth. Thinking about it, I got into most of my favourite bands simply by a little intrigue, picked up from news and comments that I heard or read!

If the timing is good and the band do continue with the LH tour, this delay may even increase ticket sales!
"...He has lost almost everything that he has gained the last 25 years including golden records, rare guitars, photos, souvenirs etc."

Reading that update on the site was not a pleasent experience, so tragic to lose almost
everything you have worked so hard for, the part about his children was pretty distressing.

I really don't know what else to say, never wanted to read a thread with that title 747

The Lionheart will rise again!! Keep the Faith:rock:

EDIT .......why the hell is my text yellow ?
on the news section on the web site about biff, near the bottom it says saxon will do desert rock festival in dubai 2006, on first time of reading this i dident really see that if you no what i mean. Is this the massive posotive to come out of the statment. And does this mean saxon are not calling it a day
just yet cause of whats happened to biff and his family ?.

Ive put this on a few threads before saying that it would be fantastic for saxon to hold a 30 year carrer and anyhing after that is a bonus.

If we look at saxon past with line up changes exp drummers, court stuff regarding the saxon name etc, past management ripping them of the list goes on but biffs tragedy yeah has to be the worst,

If theres one band thats far more then capable of getting back up and standing tall after they have been knocked down for what ever reason its saxon.

I wish that in some way us fans on this board could do something anything at all to help biff and his family get through this shit, any ideas anybody?

After all look at what biff and saxon have given us for the last 25 years, fantastic music and unforgetable live shows. ive been to 20 saxon live shows so far and they have all been A1,ITS BOUGHT TIME WE GAVE THEM SOMETHING BACK ( ITS JUST WHAT )

Nice idea, Saxon747Rock!
Well, I think it should be nice and simple, but with loads of thought behind it. It should just be expressing to Biff and his family that all our thoughts and prayers are going towards them, and a note of recognition of how Saxon have influenced our lives.

I'm thinking of something like this:

A card(s) from all the fans with personal messages in it.
A book sent to Biff with loads of personal messages from the fans.

There could even be Saxon photos or articles included in these ideas.

Any thoughts?
Good idea nightmare, I guess biff reads the message board from time to time, if he is registered i dont no under what name ?

Would be better if biff had his own email address then fans could send support emails to him.

Or if we sent messages via vince, to get to biff, i dont but the messages and book thing nightmare sounds good.
This I read in the Readbook (Also a nice one..take minimum 200000 hardcore followers of Saxon and donate a 4 Euro or whatever even if its a 1 Euro )

2 March 27 2005 at 17:26:33
Fullname: John
Where are your from?: Holland
How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!!
Comments: Hi all SAXON fans, i think it would be a fantastic idea to open a bankaccount to support the lost of BIFF burning house. Then we can actually realy do something dor him. Is it possible that teh owner of this site start an initiative like this, for sure i gonne donate money on it. This will get SAXON maybe much more earlier back in business again like good old times: BACK ON THE STREETS AGAIN!!
I don't want to underestimate Biff's loss in any way whatsoever but at the end of the day his family are safe and well which,I'm sure, is the main thing. I attend a memorial service for the victims of a football stadium fire disaster which claimed 56 lives and see the mother of an 18 year old girl who perished crying her eyes out with quiet dignity every year and it puts it in perspective for me. Biff will get over it in time!
For sure, the main thing is his family being safe, getting out at the last minute...thats scary!
good idea heavy ill be up for that, and the cards idea if we cant get one through to him as in the royal mail post or whatever maybe members can send E cards with your own message on them of the net send them on to vince if thats ok by him wholl then send the onto biff.

Sorry nightwar got ya name wrong and put nightmare in me other thread
i might get away with it considering its a saxon song lol.
No Probs, Saxon747 - people are always calling me a 'Nightmare' anyhow!

HeavyCelli - that is a nice idea, but I really think we need to just do something that Biff is not does not feel he needs to respond to, you know? Something that does not have to intentfully distract him from the stuff he has to do currently. I really think it should just be a show of moral support from the folks who love him. That would mean a hell of a lot to him and he can accept the recognition in his own time and way.
Also, when money is involved, we have to think of an awful lot of legislation, security and regulations to get through. I'm sure Biff had adequate insurance on the property. This should pay for the actual material loss and relocation related to the tragedy. But, of course, no amount of money will reserrect the memoribillia destroyed or, more importantly, cure the trauma that Biff's family experienced.
I really don't see any point in throwing money at an invaluable loss, and I'm pretty sure Biff would not want that kind of attention, anyhow.
I believe all we need to do is provide emotional support - and, essentially, that is always the best support friends can give. You can't buy that kind of thing!

It seems that the card & messages idea is pretty popular. I'm thinking that this may take quite awhile to orgainse.
Saxon747 - you had the brainwave of using email. Nice idea!
I can't see Biff wanting to give out his email address, but I'm sure Vince can be the guy that can make this kind of communication possible.

Vince - Would it be possible for you to help out?
Forum members could send in their comments and then you could compile them. You could then print them out and pass them to Biff. Alternatively, you could email the collated messages off to the big guy?

If all this is possible, then all us forum guys & gals need to do is decide what kind of messages we provide - you know? Simply best wishes or more detailed messages of why Biff is so important to us (first experiences, memoribillia, memories etc.) and then decide how long - in words - our messages should be.

I honestly think Biff would really appreciate this kind of thing - somethng he can take in in his own time whilst he is sorting his family situation out.

Vince, what do you think?
Thanks for the update 747 yeah something like this is not something you just snap back from right away especialy when family is concerned, I know, I'm a father of two myself, and I can Identify with what he (Biff) is probably going thru.

Everybody on this board is right the main thing is that the family is ok

saxon747rock said:
Just got email back from wouter, saying that saxon are just taking a small break then they will be back.