saxon new studio album

a crusader 747 l like the picture behind you very rock n roll.anyway the band should record a few template tracks and then offer them out to us for a verdict,it could be like heavy metal x factor but without the c--ts.
Not the"D" album.It never happened,it was never recorded.It some wet MOR soft metal dand from wimpdville.It was only recorded to be given away with the Mail On Sunday.
WILKS said:
Not the"D" album.It never happened,it was never recorded.It some wet MOR soft metal dand from wimpdville.It was only recorded to be given away with the Mail On Sunday.

haha, ive read a few things now that you have posted that lead me to believe that Destiny may not be your favourite album mate!
WILKS said:
Not the"D" album.It never happened,it was never recorded.It some wet MOR soft metal dand from wimpdville.It was only recorded to be given away with the Mail On Sunday.

I think I got it free with the Mail on Sunday Wilks (by the way the wife reads it not me apart from the footy bits!)
WILKS said:
Not the"D" album.It never happened,it was never recorded.It some wet MOR soft metal dand from wimpdville.It was only recorded to be given away with the Mail On Sunday.

Er excuse me mate??????????? Don't forget, 'I know what you did last summer'! :lol:
Er excuse me mate??????????? Don't forget, 'I know what you did last summer'! :lol:

Dont know what you mean;)

I think I got it free with the Mail on Sunday Wilks (by the way the wife reads it not me apart from the footy bits!)
Dont pass the blame mate.Wow a metal punk who reads the Mail well i never.:lol:
I think that isn't necesary to tell saxon how to make an album... They are SAXON.
What do you think about an acustic album? which would be the track list?
WILKS said:
Dont pass the blame mate.Wow a metal punk who reads the Mail well i never.

B*gger sussed bt the Wilksmeister, next thing you'll know I'll be going to watch the Prodigy.......................................

:OMG: Damn I did that last night! :erk:
B*gger sussed bt the Wilksmeister, next thing you'll know I'll be going to watch the Prodigy.......................................

:OMG: Damn I did that last night! :erk:
Any good mate?I have seen them 2 time both times they fukin rocked.The 1st time was reading 96.It one of my most waysted days ever(12 cans before 9 am).By the time they came on i was completely loaded.I think RATM were on before.
I saw them again at Glasto 97 again they put on one hell of a show and i totaled.Hmmmm there seem to be a pattern here somewhere.:rock:
Fingers said:
B*gger sussed bt the Wilksmeister, next thing you'll know I'll be going to watch the Prodigy.......................................

:OMG: Damn I did that last night! :erk:
And knowing you Fingers, you probably got a free ticket!!! :Spin:

Me and Sammi was in a rock pub on Saturday night, and someone put on five Prodigy songs on the jukebox. I have to say, what a complete loads of b*****ks! But each to their own!
Paxoman said:
And knowing you Fingers, you probably got a free ticket!!! :Spin:

Me and Sammi was in a rock pub on Saturday night, and someone put on five Prodigy songs on the jukebox. I have to say, what a complete loads of b*****ks! But each to their own!

I hate it when you sit on the fence Pax :tickled:
WILKS said:
Any good mate?I have seen them 2 time both times they fukin rocked.The 1st time was reading 96.It one of my most waysted days ever(12 cans before 9 am).By the time they came on i was completely loaded.I think RATM were on before.
I saw them again at Glasto 97 again they put on one hell of a show and i totaled.Hmmmm there seem to be a pattern here somewhere.:rock:

Mate they were mental, although to see them again I may need chemicals or more lager :loco:
I must say i have seen dance act when not loaded,its not the same.Maybe Saxon should try this path,er no.
Mind you i love some big hip hop star use a Saxon sample.Being a bit of a muso i have tried to find a way of sampling the Denim And Leather intro and looping it.People on this board may hate for evan thinking thisbut if its done by somebody who love as i do then it can only be a good thing.Lets face it it didnt do Aerosmith any harm.Where would they be now without Run DMC.
saxon747rock said:
what type of album, or what are you other fans hopeing to look for on there next studio album.

On the logical way anyhting following on the steps of "Lionheart" that album kick ass big time.

Now if I can ask to Santa, then a cross between "Power And The Glory" and "Killing Ground" :rock:

NP: Icarus Witch - 'Forevermore'
Wyvern said:
Now if I can ask to Santa, then a cross between "Power And The Glory" and "Killing Ground" :rock:

Yeah, with a mixture of everything before and inbetween as well please santa mate!

Its interesting how saxon's line up has swung back to the unleash the beast line up, so hopefully we'll be in for something powerful, refreshing that will re invent them and bring them back lots of fame, status, and massive gigs.