bring me the horizon

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New Metal Member
Oct 30, 2008
so good...sooo damn good.

i know they play a killer live show.
saw them at warped this summer in LA. killed it.

ive been hooked up on them and this song () ever since!!
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why does everyone here feel the need to be an asshole to someone who has a music taste different than theirs?
As a metal fan, one of my favorite -core bands. period.

terrible choice of song to put up as an example, their first full length actually had some great tracks that can always pump me up and show signs of actual songwriting and talent.

but the new album is gay. which is of course the album that has the song you put up
That video was retarded, yet kinda funny.

I seriously don't keep up with metal trends. I listen to so little of the trendy stuff I can't even tell you what kind of metal this is, but I know it's core-something :lol: :lol:
or, i'm just not an arrogant asshole like you. Even though i may not like Bring me the Horizon i dont have to be a dick to someone just because they do.

Well I do and most people that don't inherit a vulva take posts like mine with a grain of salt. Why would you honestly care what people think of your music taste? Are you that insecure?
Based on what I've heard, these guys suck. And not just because the style they play is generally shitty; they suck relative to other bands in that style as well.
Plus there's a ton of assholes wandering around in their shirts. Pisses me off. Fucking trendsters.
Yeah, I pretty much can't stand this style at this point (sorry V5 :p). I'll admit bands like Faust Again and Maroon are decent but it's still that "melodeath + breakdowns = bastardized version of death metal and pantera-influence groove metal".
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