Bring on the tzatziki!


Sep 17, 2001
Terra firma
Finally time for us to visit Greece again! Supported by the legendary SAMAEL, we'll have the pleasure of playing the following shows:

Saturday 3 Nov: Thessaloniki - Hydrogios
Sunday 4 Nov: Athens - Gagarin 205

This will be the first time in five years that we're visiting these cities, so rest assured that it'll be an experience out of the ordinary.
Two more nights I will spend crying because they play somewhere where I can't see them. :rolleyes:
@D_S: :wave: :hotjump: :D

@Matse: why don't you just go to a show or visit greece? :p
AND Samael on the bill.

Let's just hope there'll be enough of Greece left and i'll be alive till then.
^ Yeah hehe :p .

Also, we don't want Mikael's precious voice to be damaged due to the damn fires :erk: .

Anyway, lucky you Siren :headbang: (and Samael. Damn I'm depressed :cry: ).
A video camera, I'd say. ;)
If you buy me one, i'll be glad to. ;)

@Kov: i'm not sure if i'll take my digicam with me, since it's quite big and i don't want to risk the security taking it from me or have it broken. when i take my camera with me we're one, so i'd have to be sure none of the above is going to happen. not to mention i'd have to convince my dad (he payed for it so it's really his).
Finally a good enough reason for me to go to Greece:) I will not miss this for anything, i'm thinking of going to both shows, after all its only 1500km to there and back. So Siren maybe i'll see you there:)
Well since DT will probably never ever ever play in Macedonia i don't have much choice. Thessaloniki is actually only 300km or so away from here (Skopje) but if i want to see both shows i will have to travel some 700+km to Athens. It might be fun so i don't mind even though i will most probably go by myself.
@Cuth: I'll do my best to make it to both shows too. We'll see how it turns out. Hope i'll see you there. :) Btw, i found some very cheap plane tickets from Thes to Athens and back, if you want i'll pm you the details.

@D_S: i've travelled to Italy to see them, don't know how many Kms that is, but it's quite a distance. :p
taliesin once tarvelled from bremen to belgium to see them (well ok not only for them... )
oh and i forgot, i once went from Buhl, Idaho to Seattle for a concert. But it doesnt really count since the trip was already planed for something else before, and i found out for the concert later and went to it because i was already going to be there. it was +/- 1630 km to go there and come back)
@Cuth: I'll do my best to make it to both shows too. We'll see how it turns out. Hope i'll see you there. :) Btw, i found some very cheap plane tickets from Thes to Athens and back, if you want i'll pm you the details.

Hey please do, anything that is not too expensive and would save me lots of hours in the train is welcome :)