Broke and in a Band? Divinity Recording


Throbbing Member
Jul 20, 2002
Calgary, AB, CANADA
Me too, so I decided to start a new blog to document our recording process, and hopefully build a resource and community for Metal musicians at the same time. Check it out and tell me what you think -

If you think it's a good ideal then help me out and spread the link around, or if you have stuff to contribute then get in touch. There are a lot of great resources out there already (like this place that has helped me SO much) so I want to try and include a lot of those as well.
Cool vid, but is that V-drum kit really capable of capturing "where he hits the drum" as you say? I thought there were just like two modes, center and rimshot? Damn fine drummer btw!
Cool vid, but is that V-drum kit really capable of capturing "where he hits the drum" as you say? I thought there were just like two modes, center and rimshot? Damn fine drummer btw!

Yeah I think there are more then that for the snare anyway, center, edge and rim, but anyway it's Metal so they are all MAXIMUM POUNDAGE hits. :p
Thanks dudez...I want to get some guest columns in there eventually too, would be cool...Andy? :lol: I have a lot of great tidbits from this forum that's for sure...Any other ideas or suggestions are welcomed. :rock:
Excellent video dude. I'm digging this idea, can't wait for the next episode!! When will it be airing?
Next one will be in a couple of weeks, talking about the guitar recording / reamping.

Hope you don't tell me anything I don't already know, cuz I'm about to do a bunch of tracking/reamping this weekend and could quite possibly see myself having to redo some stuff in a few weeks time haha :p

Great Vblog tho, your shit is always stellar sounding, dood! Learn much, I will! (Yoda voice) :notworthy
Cool vid, but is that V-drum kit really capable of capturing "where he hits the drum" as you say? I thought there were just like two modes, center and rimshot? Damn fine drummer btw!

Old v-drum kit had piezo/switch pads that captured dynamics with piezo and switched to rimshot sound when you hit the rim together with drum head.

New kits, like one in the video, have piezo/piezo pads. One piezo on the head and instead of a switch one piezo on the shell too (or maybe rim). It gives much more data for modul to interpret.