Brokeback Mountain..

SueNC said:
Zee, your willingness to 'look the other way,' or just accept subversive behavior as 'ok,' is what the far-left fringe are hoping for the whole nation.

there have to be some standards of behavior set or the whole fabric of our nation will unravel. a society just cant survive with an 'anything goes' mindset.

of course the movie was 'boring.' they werent about to make gay porn and put it out there to reach a large audience.
they have to make it 'bland' and somewhat 'sweet,' to make people like you say: 'oh, it's no big deal.'

i'm not suggesting we go out and brand every homosexual we see or beat them up.
i'm saying we should never get so comfortable with their condition that we let them twist the rules of society and nature to suit their abnormal sexuality.

if we bend to them, who will be next?
pedophiles, claiming their rights to 'love' children?
we already have NAMBLA out there. how long before movies are being made that are sympathetic to them?

there's a long list of subversives out there, all waiting for their turn to push their causes.

LMAO!!!! You are hilarious. :rock:
sknight said:
For the most part, they aren't into metal. Quite unfortunate, I say.

True. All the girls I ever hook up with either like country or britney spears. Then when I blast the Necrophagia they go a runnin'
My girl is one of the "I listen to everything" kind of girl. I hate it to no end when people give me that answer. I guess music to some people is not as important as it is to me. Has anyone heard the new Cryptopsy album? I just ordered it today. I wanna get Flo's extreme metal drumming dvd but the damn thing costs about 50 bucks.
schenkadere said:
Yeah...but it's not that big a wife hates my music, but we've been married for 17 works out.

I don't know why, but that made me laugh my ass off......:tickled:

My wife used to listen to mostly metal, but now she listens to shit like Gwen stefani, no doubt, etc....oh she''ll pop in a Maiden CD every now and then....oh and of course S.O.D. ....she's weird like that....but that's cool.
The only other type of music I like is classical...Gustov Holst's The Planets being one of my favorites.
Psycho21477 said:
I don't know why, but that made me laugh my ass off......:tickled:

My wife used to listen to mostly metal, but now she listens to shit like Gwen stefani, no doubt, etc....oh she''ll pop in a Maiden CD every now and then....oh and of course S.O.D. ....she's weird like that....but that's cool.
The only other type of music I like is classical...Gustov Holst's The Planets being one of my favorites.

My wife likes 80's shit or Springsteen, Pat Benatar...stuff like that. I have a long commute, so I get a total of at least 3 hours listening time...when I'm not half asleep at the wheel.
sknight said:
And I don't hate gays at all, it's just the separatist militant ones that try to make you think that your thinking is all wrong because you're not homosexual, even though you have zero problem with it.

hahahaha, I thought the seperatist militant ones were the hetero ones.

I find it quite hilarious how you can judge at that extent without the least bit of tolerance.

I mean, just think of your fellow conservatives:

I'm a Conservative Christian and This Film Changed My Mind

I've always been somewhat reluctant to come down hard on homosexuals (in social situations with other church-goers or with my Republican friends at political events). I'm just not the type to judge others out of spite. I've never really known anyone close to me that's gay, although I've met a few people here and there at my work that later I was told were.

Last weekend, I was in Dallas and - to make a long story short - I ended up "having" to see this film. It definitely was NOT my choice to do so, but to avoid a confrontation, I relented. Everybody makes this sort of compromise sooner or later, right? If the film we wanted to see hadn't been sold out, I don't think I'd ever have seen "Brokeback Mountain."

It's been four days since I saw the film, and progressively, day after day, I have been forced to admit that I am ashamed of the way I felt about homosexuals. I literally had no concept of what life is truly like for these individuals, and must continue to be. In my heart I know that good, wholesome, long-standing friends of mine - true-believing Christians - have made life horrible for these people when they go out of their way to bad mouth them behind their backs (no one I know I think would get in someone's face), tell their children homosexuals are going to Hell, etc etc.

I can't explain what I'm feeling, but I haven't had this kind of doubt (about the church I go to) since I made the decision a long, long time ago to leave the family business against my father's wishes. I also didn't go into the same branch of the armed forces that he went into. Which is another story. In a way, I guess, my own personal history and my relationship with a disapproving (and uneducated) father somehow made me "get" what Heath Ledger's character goes through. Let me just say that a lot of heartache was involved. The God I believe in, that I teach my kids to trust, would never wish the kind of pain that I went through on anyone, which really I now know for real, is the same kind of pain homosexuals must go through just to live what for them is an honest life, and the choice they must make. I'd never had my eyes opened to this before, not ONE IOTA.

Tonight, winding down, I said a little prayer. It was more or less the same thing that's been going round and round inside my head since I saw this movie... who am I to judge? I honestly was trembling at one point during the credits before we got up to leave, and I had to struggle to re-gain my composure. Now that I am remembering that, it reminds me of the way I trembled when I first asked God to forgive me of my sins and accept me as I am.

"Brokeback Mountain" humbled me.
Evil Dead said:
True. All the girls I ever hook up with either like country or britney spears. Then when I blast the Necrophagia they go a runnin'

I love Horror movies, so does Necrophagia. And..considering that they sampled Return of the Evil Dead, I gotta listen!

My fav song is Akuma of all things, and it aint metal.
prime666 said:
slightly on / off topic. Do any of you find then when having anal sex with a women you come a lot quicker if you fuck her to Bolt Thrower or Napalm Death?

If I listen to Napalm Deaths "You SuffeR" I finish just before the song ends :)
prime666 said:
slightly on / off topic. Do any of you find then when having anal sex with a women you come a lot quicker if you fuck her to Bolt Thrower or Napalm Death?

:lol: This could possibly be the best post ive ever read on this board