Brokeback Mountain..

SueNC said:
there have to be some standards of behavior set or the whole fabric of our nation will unravel. a society just cant survive with an 'anything goes' mindset.


Is Lesbianism permitted, your highness?

Because I know plenty of straight guys who choose to be "brainwashed" by the

homosexual porn industry in California.

Call me a liberal heathen, but I loves me sum hot girl-on-girl action.
I always figured that cowboys were slightly queer anyway.

Just look at the hankerchief around John Wayne's neck, and tell me that he

wasn't aching to bust out of the closet. And what is up with the cowboy

hats, which at one time had a purpose, are now worn as girly fashion

accesories down south.

Sometimes, it's hard to tell the difference between the country music

channel and the gay channel. (with all of the ball-hugging jeans and frilly


Not to mention my personal favorite...............assless chaps.
Buzzard said:
Fucking liberal hollywood swine should be burned alive.
GAy Cowboys.. What the fuck. Give me the days of John Wayne and Killing Redskins, Chinks-Dinks, Krauts and Commies any fucking day of the week.
Fuck those souless money hungry jews and fuck HOLLYWOOD!!
Ican't wait until Al queda nuke this shithole - The n in 2012 fuckin Comet wormwood should land right on Sunset strip... Fucking gay cowboyws..Give me a break....
It's fucking lame. Just throw gay in there and the fucking homos will go in and see them without knowing anything else about it. I had a lesbian friend and all it was with her was writing in her fucking live journal, manufacturing deep thoughts and conflicts with her own emotions, supporting gays in the media like Ellen Degeneres, and telling straight people that we don't think she's funny because we just don't get it not being queer.

Be fucking people, not fucking gays that happen to be people.
Karina_666 said:
when I heard gay Cowboys, I immediately thought Troy Aikman was in it.

When I heard Gay Cowboys..

I thought....

your typical American Redneck

Karina_666 said:
when I heard gay Cowboys, I immediately thought Troy Aikman was in it.

Actually he got married in 2000.


....and they have 2 born in 01 and another born in 02.

You must be one of those Dallas Cowboy haters. :p
Karina_666 said:
No, I don't hate the Cowboys at all, or Troy. just making a funny.
And I don't hate gays at all, it's just the separatist militant ones that try to make you think that your thinking is all wrong because you're not homosexual, even though you have zero problem with it.

Oh yeah, and living with their endless manufactured drama is annoying.

I'm gonna think good thoughts, such as some snow around our parts and biking through it:
Karina_666 said:
No, I don't hate the Cowboys at all, or Troy. just making a funny.

Well then...that's good! ...cause yer talking to a big Cowboy fan here.

Here's a picture of me from a few years ago...takin' a little better not say nuthin' bad about Da 'Boys cause iffen you do, I'll whoop ya with my stick!


sknight said:
And I don't hate gays at all, it's just the separatist militant ones that try to make you think that your thinking is all wrong because you're not homosexual, even though you have zero problem with it.

Oh yeah, and living with their endless manufactured drama is annoying.

I'm gonna think good thoughts, such as some snow around our parts and biking through it:


Man...yer makin me jealous with that picture. We've had nuthin but 60-80 degree weather and NO FUKKIN' RAIN for months now...the lake by my house is so low, it looks pathetic.
Final_Product said:
Thats paranoia gone mad. There is no liberal conspiracy, just like there is no conservative conspiracy.
I belive the libs and the conservatives are all one big conspiracy and there in it together. As far as two cowboys fuckin each other, who fuckin cares. Let em. Let them suck and fuck and gargul each others wads till there blue in the face.... Homosexuals don't bother me unless they come onto me in a professional enviroment. But If I'm having a drink and some queer wants to buy me a drink I could careless, free beer for me and no tooling of the out house for him. If you don't want to see that shit fine don't go see the movie (and avoid the village in NYC). I've said it once and I'll say it again. The more gay men, the more single women for me!