Brokeback Mountain..

MyHatred said:
I honestly don't care what consenting adults do in their bedroom and no, "liberal hollywood" didn't tell me to say that. Do I think man on man action is gross? Yeah, and thats why I won't watch the movie...Has the movie affected me in any shape or form or hindered any of my freedoms? NO. Do I think a movie is going to cause people to turn gay? I am going to go on a limb and say that I am almost 100% positive that it won't.....It comes down to just not watching the movie if you don't agree with it. I think it's gross therefore I am not going to watch it. Is it really that simple? Why yes, yes it is.

I have to much shit going on in my life to care what two consenting adults are doing in their bedroom...

I agree with's just a movie. I think it's more the normalizing of homosexuality that's the issue.

I'm sure it won't turn anyone gay...but then again...cowboys?....if there are buttless chaps involved, it could sway those teetering on the fence...ha!
The one thing I have to admit though, is that the gay community will never be taken seriously when they keep having parades in which they are wearing adult diapers, sailor hats, dancing to techno and wearing womens clothing. I WILL admit that type of stuff is totally ridiculous and definitely NOT normal.
gaschamber said:
i LOVE lesbian porn, its my lifesblood.

I second this. Without Lesbian porn, I would not really see any reason to go on...........watching porn..

I support gay marriage, as long as both chicks are hot.
MyHatred said:
The one thing I have to admit though, is that the gay community will never be taken seriously when they keep having parades in which they are wearing adult diapers, sailor hats, dancing to techno and wearing womens clothing. I WILL admit that type of stuff is totally ridiculous and definitely NOT normal.

It is ridiculous, but as long as you look faaaaabulous while you're doing it, who cares?...hoooga!
The New Year has brought me a ton of work at my job..Which is a good thing. I am on day 5 with no cigarettes and I could choke just about anyone out right now. I swear, I am going to be about 70 lbs heavier because of all the food that I am eating to try and balance out my cravings...I am also not drinking coffee or alcohol for a good while until I can actually kick this habit:ill: and no I didn't make quitting cigarettes a New Years resolution because those are stupid. I just want to be in better shape and not be gasping for air like I have been lately when playing drums.

Speaking of Millen, he has finally done an interview.
MyHatred said:
The New Year has brought me a ton of work at my job..Which is a good thing. I am on day 5 with no cigarettes and I could choke just about anyone out right now. I swear, I am going to be about 70 lbs heavier because of all the food that I am eating to try and balance out my cravings...I am also not drinking coffee or alcohol for a good while until I can actually kick this habit:ill: and no I didn't make quitting cigarettes a New Years resolution because those are stupid. I just want to be in better shape and not be gasping for air like I have been lately when playing drums.

Speaking of Millen, he has finally done an interview.

Good luck with the quitting man! I quit smoking back in August 2004, never looked back. The first few weeks were rough cuz of the cravings, and all my friends would harass me to get me to smoke. Once they realized I was serious they let me alone. Ive only had 2 cuban cigars I got in Spain and Kuwait since then.
SueNC said:

we have freedoms that they dont, but that doesnt mean EVERYTHING should be 'do what feels good, regardless of the circumstances.'

at some point, a line has to be drawn.
acceptance of any and everything never leads to 'more freedom' and as the fall of the Roman Empire illustrates, quite often, leads to social ruin.

Again, you are being highly reductive and reading everything through a shallow ideological lens. Find me one person who says EVERYTHING should be allowed and doesn't believe lines should be drawn. Again, quit being so silly. The argument is over what SPECIFIC things should be allowed. This is why cultural and legal issues are often rethought through out the years. This is why the Supreme Court has to hear more than one case.

And I suggest you read more about the Roman Empire. It didn't collapse because of people having all kinds of sex. It had to do with a series of complex political failings in having to maintain an empire.
ZeeZooZum said:
Again, you are being highly reductive and reading everything through a shallow ideological lens. Find me one person who says EVERYTHING should be allowed and doesn't believe lines should be drawn. Again, quit being so silly. The argument is over what SPECIFIC things should be allowed. This is why cultural and legal issues are often rethought through out the years. This is why the Supreme Court has to hear more than one case.

And I suggest you read more about the Roman Empire. It didn't collapse because of people having all kinds of sex. It had to do with a series of complex political failings in having to maintain an empire.

Sure...partly due to loss of reason and neurological damage from heavy metals, marijuana usage and sexually transmitted diseases...lead poisoning and syphilis...quite a cocktail!
ZeeZooZum said:
Again, you are being highly reductive and reading everything through a shallow ideological lens. Find me one person who says EVERYTHING should be allowed and doesn't believe lines should be drawn. Again, quit being so silly. The argument is over what SPECIFIC things should be allowed. This is why cultural and legal issues are often rethought through out the years. This is why the Supreme Court has to hear more than one case.

And I suggest you read more about the Roman Empire. It didn't collapse because of people having all kinds of sex. It had to do with a series of complex political failings in having to maintain an empire.

now who's looking through a 'shallow lens'?
it's not about saying EVERYTHING should be allowed, at this point, but in time, it WILL be! the issue just hasnt been brought up, yet.

today, it's the 'normalization' of homosexuality.
once that is pushed through [against the wishes of the majority, i might add], then the other subversives... the pedophiles, incest, bestiality, etc...
will get in line for their turn to have their lifestyles 'accepted.'

just as with the homosexuals, anyone who dares say pedophiles are 'abnormal,' will be demonized as 'intolerant' and in no time, the leftist propoganda machine will begin cranking out movies, celebrity child molestors, etc... to drive into the public thought process how 'normal, wonderful, perfect' adult-child 'love' is. :Smug:

a standard has to be set and adhered to.

as for the Roman Empire, it wasnt just the subversive sexual behavior that caused the downfall, but a widespread disregard for social norms.
SueNC said:
today, it's the 'normalization' of homosexuality.
once that is pushed through [against the wishes of the majority, i might add], then the other subversives... the pedophiles, incest, bestiality, etc...
will get in line for their turn to have their lifestyles 'accepted.'

just as with the homosexuals, anyone who dares say pedophiles are 'abnormal,' will be demonized as 'intolerant' and in no time, the leftist propoganda machine will begin cranking out movies, celebrity child molestors, etc... to drive into the public thought process how 'normal, wonderful, perfect' adult-child 'love' is. :Smug:

a standard has to be set and adhered to.

as for the Roman Empire, it wasnt just the subversive sexual behavior that caused the downfall, but a widespread disregard for social norms.

FOR FUCK SAKES!!!!! You are really reaching now..I can hear it now...The lefties are coming!!!! the Lefties are coming!!!!...You really need to get a grip because that North Carolina air seems to be really getting to you. I have never seen such garbage typed out in this forum and that is saying alot.

"the leftist propoganda machine will begin cranking out movies, celebrity child molestors, etc... to drive into the public thought process how 'normal, wonderful, perfect' adult-child 'love' is. :Smug: "

Are you high? Or just fucking retarded? That has got be the biggest crock of shit I have ever read. I have yet to run into a liberal who thinks child molestation is "okay" Quite the opposite. There is a GIGANTIC difference between consenting adults having sex and people raping children...
SueNC said:
now who's looking through a 'shallow lens'?
it's not about saying EVERYTHING should be allowed, at this point, but in time, it WILL be! the issue just hasnt been brought up, yet.

today, it's the 'normalization' of homosexuality.
once that is pushed through [against the wishes of the majority, i might add], then the other subversives... the pedophiles, incest, bestiality, etc...
will get in line for their turn to have their lifestyles 'accepted.'

just as with the homosexuals, anyone who dares say pedophiles are 'abnormal,' will be demonized as 'intolerant' and in no time, the leftist propoganda machine will begin cranking out movies, celebrity child molestors, etc... to drive into the public thought process how 'normal, wonderful, perfect' adult-child 'love' is. :Smug:

a standard has to be set and adhered to.

as for the Roman Empire, it wasnt just the subversive sexual behavior that caused the downfall, but a widespread disregard for social norms.

So your just going to repeat you generic slippery slope argument. oh well. try this. I'll even highlight key points. But feel free to dismiss the rules of logic as liberal bias:

Description of Slippery Slope
The Slippery Slope is a fallacy in which a person asserts that some event must inevitably follow from another without any argument for the inevitability of the event in question. In most cases, there are a series of steps or gradations between one event and the one in question and no reason is given as to why the intervening steps or gradations will simply be bypassed. This "argument" has the following form:

Event X has occurred (or will or might occur).
Therefore event Y will inevitably happen.
This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because there is no reason to believe that one event must inevitably follow from another without an argument for such a claim. This is especially clear in cases in which there is a significant number of steps or gradations between one event and another.

Examples of Slippery Slope

"We have to stop the tuition increase! The next thing you know, they'll be charging $40,000 a semester!"

"The US shouldn't get involved militarily in other countries. Once the government sends in a few troops, it will then send in thousands to die."

"You can never give anyone a break. If you do, they'll walk all over you."

"We've got to stop them from banning pornography. Once they start banning one form of literature, they will never stop. Next thing you know, they will be burning all the books!"
i guess ignorance really is bliss, isnt it?

one point: 20 years ago, did anybody think 'gay marriage' would ever be an issue?
the very notion that anything so absurd would ever be an issue was non-existent. it just couldnt happen!

and why was that?

it was because the push to 'accept' abnormal behavior as 'normal' hadnt begun.

it's short-sighted and dangerous, given the events of the last few years, to blow anything off as 'too extreme' to ever be an issue.

you limit your thinking to just what's in front of you at the moment. i prefer to widen my view to include all the unfortunate possibilities of going against society's wishes, in order to coddle and placate a small percentage of the population.

in essence, i think you guys should move to NC for awhile, if for only long enough to breathe a bit of clean air and clear your media-hazed, dying brain cells.
Actually we are talking about gay wizards and their plot to take over the world by making you watch Glimmer Man while they cram Mallomars down your throat with the liberal media forcing you to listen to Nevermore:grin: I think that about covers it
people are the same where ever you go.
There is good and bad-in everyone
so we learn to live and try to give each other
what we need to survive- together alive!!!

but serious fuck that movie- HollyWood endless quest to find markets to make that much hated icon of capitalism-CASH BABY!!!!
dreaming neon darkspot said:
okay, yeah, this movie looks like it's going to be ridiculously overrated but ... are you being forced to watch it? and even if you do happen to see bits of it, are you going to see much of any intimacy between 2 males the way you'd see it between a man and woman in any other movie? no, you're not. and would you mind telling me for just how long straight people have had to hide who they are for fear of losing their families, jobs, and even lives? how many times a day do you hear the words "faggot" and "queer" tossed around like they're nothing? just how much is your lifestyle being infringed on by homosexuals finally being able to being somewaht accepted in this society? liberal hollywood is taking control? yeah, right. you flip out because you see a handful of gays finally not being afraid to step out of the closet and act like it means you're being forced to perform acts of sodomy.

play nice