Broken Ddrum Trigger


Mar 29, 2006
Warrensburg, MO
Man, I was tracking a drummer today, and I think I fucked up the snare trigger. Either the drummer fucked it up by hitting it, or I fucked it up by running phantom power to it.:erk: It used to go click, click, click, now it goes pfft, pfft, pfft.:erk: It happened in between takes, So I don't know. And I've checked all the connections. Think the phantom power fucked it up? Can I use one of the tom trigs on a snare?
you can definitely use a tom trigger, the only difference to snare triggers is that sn-triggers have got an additional rimshot piezo....if your not using a y-split cable for it you're not using it anyway
They're red. I don't know.:erk: They are the same ones that Andy uses. Anyone know about the phantom power deal though. I don't see how it could just crap out like that. I've got the hook up though, so I'm getting it replaced for free.:kickass: