DDrum Trigger PRO vs DDrum Trigger Red Shot?


Iguana Hell
Jun 11, 2005

I am just curious about the differences between the DDrum Trigger PRO line and the much cheaper Red Shot edition...?

I do not need to feed a module with the signal, but I like to record a direct track directly from the triggers-out... Can be handy when you have fast doublekick stuff with just one kick... Same for snare.

Anyone using the cheap ones?

Those triggers don't need to be road-ready and ultra-durable, but they should give me a nice signal.

Well, the trigger element is the fame (which is a bit of foam, some metal plate and a piece of cable.. goddamn rip off)

So when it doesn't need to be road ready, it's fane. A friend of mine has 4 of them for rack and floor toms and hasn't had any problems
Thanks! I had the same impression.. just the metal-case...

Mh - when we are here: I just stepped over another concept - from ddt - seems to be cool as well, they say that there will be less resonances etc because of the vibration-reduced plastic-case.

Anyone using ddt-triggers?
I've had both, I think Red Shots are a waste of time. Fall apart much faster. Pro trig's aren't impervious, but the metal shell sure helps them last longer. Even Andy has said he's had to have piezo elements replaced in his before IIRC.
I used a Red Shot for no more than a couple of sessions before the actual frame warped and made it unusable. I not have the pro set and theyre great. Very solid too.
Dont know about DDT triggers though sorry..
+1 red shots broke for me in one session. Blue and red wires ripped out of the kick trigger and they seemed to be less reliable when it comes to triggering (from my experiences at least).

The sturdier casing of the PRO's seemed to absorb more vibration and not translate that into the element, from the drum it's attached to (mainly toms) so it doesn't false trigger as often.
FWIW I've heard on more than one occasion the TDrum units are as good as their DDrum counterparts...
