
Apr 11, 2006
Hey all, Ive been a big fan of this forum for a long time now, but have never posted .. Was trying to find something out and couldnt see it anywhere else so I figured I may as well post a topic about it...

Im looking at getting some ddrum pro triggers to use in conjunction with mics for when I record drums... I have used different triggers (including ddrum red shot - which broke on me, the very first time I used it) but only have a small Roland TD8 brain that Im using at the moment - pretty shitty and isnt any good for output configuration - only a stereo output.. Which isnt useful for me at all - has been fine up til now (only triggering kick and snare) but now that I want to trigger the whole kit, im looking at other methods..

Is it possible to connect the trigger output directly into a line in on my interface? If so, what would it show up with in Pro Tools? I use drumagog for drum replacement, so I dont necessarily have any need for the module samples or anything...

So, does anyone know what will happen if the output from the trigger is sent directly to Tools? If it sends some sort of signal, which I imagine it would, will this be fine to record and then replace using drumagog or soundreplacer? Also, would the signal be completely dynamic?

i go straight in the mic pre.
maybe you're ok with the line in, should be quite a weak signal, but for sound replacing it might be ok.

the sound you'll get is a 'clong!!!!!!' or something, hard to describe.
it works really well with sound replacing plugins, just go for it.

there were reported some problems with the 'stereo' snare trigger, if i remember correctly.i already use a tom trigger for my snare, it works.

have fun,

Yep, go through the mic pres xlr to xlr. Midi works as well but believe it or not the MIDI in many DAWs is not as accurate as one might imagine. Pro Tools especially can have a barely noticeable lag when you compare the original recording to the midi version.
Yep, go through the mic pres xlr to xlr. Midi works as well but believe it or not the MIDI in many DAWs is not as accurate as one might imagine. Pro Tools especially can have a barely noticeable lag when you compare the original recording to the midi version.

But isn't the midi latency a constant value ?