broken finger + learning drums


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
Hi guys !

Long story short, I hurt my ligament 2 months ago, the left middle finger ->

That was 2 months ago. It was not able anymore to stay straight, it kept in a curved position. Now it kind of rebuilt but the finger is very stiff and cannot bend anymore, so it will either take a long time, or maybe I will never be able to bend it the same.

If that is the case maybe I won't be able to play guitar the same and will need to adjust for that and forget about chords and things like that :erk: I don't even wanna think about that possibility... !

Anyway, since I will soon settle in a little bit in spain, and need to work out just a bit... I thought maybe it was a good occasion to start having fun hitting drums ?

Therefore, I am asking you drummers, what would be a good idea as a starte e-kit from yamaha or even better from roland ? I could set it up with SSD and have a little fun. Is that okay to start on a cheap kit, just for getting used to it and maybe later on switch to some better ones with a better feel, or is it better to have something decent right away ? I would need a double pedal as well, obviously ! I don't like when there are only 2 toms but if that is unavoidable I will learn how to properly hit 2 toms before I have 4+1floor tom if i ever do that

I can drum to basic rock already, I used to spend my band rehearsal pauses on the drum kit to have fun and play ACDC and stuff like that, but I would love to be able to record instead of writing basic drums for rockish/simple metal parts and edit them later.

Real drums are out of the question, I will be living with several people so for now, even though I should end up living in a house, i wanna start with an e kit, and also for preprod convenience !

No real budget although buying a TD30 roland kit is maybe over the top :loco:

Cheers !!
Have you consulted with a physician specialist? They often recommend following prompt physical therapy in those cases.
I have an appointment with the hand specialists to remove the device (I am lucky to live close to a little hospital specialized in the hand surgeries and emergencies) and I will definitely ask him what I am supposed to do and what I can do to be sure I get back to normal
Also I have an appointment with my general doctor and right in the same place there is a physical therapist which I went to some years ago for a foot accident, I am gonna ask him if there is anything he recommends as well since that is his job although I don't know how much they treat fingers