Practice drum kit for learning.

Sep 8, 2005
Does anyone knows of a good practice drum kit, or some tool fo improve/learning to play the drums, i can play some basic stuff, but i always, always loved drums, i'm a guitarrist but i always thought that if i started playing drums instead of guitar, i would be a better drummer than guitarrist hahaha.

So my house is really small and i have so little space available for a real kit (also the neighbor issues etc.) and i started to look for drums pads or something like that. i found so cool ones, but it seems that any of them have pads for hihats or cymbals at all.

Also thought about buying a real kit and put some silencers on it, but then again the space issue :(.

I like this but i would need something for the cymbals hehe.

If you guys have some recomendations i wil appreciate that a lot! Cheers!