Bronx Casket Company

LuminousAether said:
Why Do You randomly Capitalize words in your Posts? I'll Laugh when you Get Carpal tunnel.

That Said, Bronx Casket co are sort of lame in A not So Good Way. They are Very Mediocre in My Not so Humble Opion.

Man, why on earth did you respond to his post if you were just gonna "flame" him? Back to the original post. I have heard great things from a bud of mine, I guess I'll have to check 'em out.
LuminousAether said:
Why Do You randomly Capitalize words in your Posts? I'll Laugh when you Get Carpal tunnel.

That Said, Bronx Casket co are sort of lame in A not So Good Way. They are Very Mediocre in My Not so Humble Opion.

You're just a wanker.
Bryant said:
Explain to me oh gracious one how someone is a troll when they start a post in a metal forum about a metal band ? It seems to me that the troll in here is the one that tries to be an English professor.


His reply was a troll, oh brilliant and sensitive metal poet.
And how is it being an English professor to correct someone on capitalizing random words? Man... back in the day us metalheads would unite and tear up these posers with their "1337" "gramm3r" "skillz" and "shiznit." But these days... if you try to make fun of someone for Trying To Look Cool by Speling Weirdly... you are an English professor? Oh, how times change, and they almost always change for the worst.

Here's a question for you aspiring metalheads, why is intelligence bad? Why is conveying yourself in the most easily understandable way bad? And why is it bad to correct someone when they are posting in an almost indecypherable manner? It seems to me that when you are conversing in a purely written manner, grammar and structure should be PARAMOUNT to EVERYTHING.
LuminousAether said:
And how is it being an English professor to correct someone on capitalizing random words? Man... back in the day us metalheads would unite and tear up these posers with their "1337" "gramm3r" "skillz" and "shiznit." But these days... if you try to make fun of someone for Trying To Look Cool by Speling Weirdly... you are an English professor? Oh, how times change, and they almost always change for the worst.

Here's a question for you aspiring metalheads, why is intelligence bad? Why is conveying yourself in the most easily understandable way bad? And why is it bad to correct someone when they are posting in an almost indecypherable manner? It seems to me that when you are conversing in a purely written manner, grammar and structure should be PARAMOUNT to EVERYTHING.

Don't give us that shit. YOU'RE no metalhead - you don't even like Maiden. You posted in my poll that you are a NU-METAL fan and you slammed bands like Maiden,Priest and AC/DC in replies to me so don't dare pretend you're a fucking metalhead.
I don't see what's fun about taking the piss out of someone for making spelling mistakes. Do you have a fucking inferiority complex which makes you get pleasure from that shit?
We're here for discussion - not an English lesson from you and other fake metalheads.
You are so deluded that you are manufacturing false information about me.

Firstly, I don't claim to be a metalhead.

Secondly, I don't consider Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, OR AC/DC heavy metal. They may have been considered that in the past, but if those bands came out today, they would be hard rock without a shadow of a doubt, so that's what I consider them to be, classic hard rock.

Thirdly, it wasn't a spelling mistake. It was a very strange odd capitalization fallacy mixed with a complete lack of punctuation. Punctuation is definitely 100% absolutely important in any discussion. Without it, posts take much longer to understand and read, and it's very easy to understand punctuation.

Finally, I have NEVER ever ONCE insinuated that I like nu metal more than all other forms of metal. Yes, I think nu metal is INFINITELY superior to power metal and a completely valid form of metal, but my favorites are doom and black metal.

This is my last response to you. You are a thick-headed, moronic, and an irritating asshole. You have been stalking me across forums for no reason except that I insulted your favorite cock rock group and your fucking butt buddy JonnyD. You are a cocksucker and you need to shut your goddamn mouth before we realize how cripplingly inadequate your lack of intelligence is in any discussion you blindly stumble your way through.
LuminousAether said:
You are so deluded that you are manufacturing false information about me.

Firstly, I don't claim to be a metalhead.

Secondly, I don't consider Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, OR AC/DC heavy metal. .

Firstly, read your own post, just a couple of inches up from this one - right about where you say "US METALHEADS". Is that not you claiming to be a metalhead? Sorry, you're obviously so intelligent you have some other reason for saying that. :lol:
Secondly - well, there's no answer to that is there? If you, in your infinite wisdom have decided Maiden and Priest aren't metal despite EVERY other person in the world placing them in that genre then good luck to you.
By the way LA you oh-so-intelligent aspiring English professor - indecypherable isn't a real word - you obviously can't spell yet you come on here flaming others for their spelling and punctuation.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, Village Idiot. :lol: