Bronx Casket Company

LuminousAether said:
And moron, indecypherable is definitely a word. It may be spelled indecipherable for the most part, but cypher is a valid alternative for cipher, albeit chiefly British. Learn a little before you speak, moron.

And the us metalheads comment was a plea for a little sanity here, but obviously some people are just way too fucking stupid to understand the smallest little thing. Grow a brain, grow up, or just fucking off yourself.

Yeah whatever, make up your own words and spellings.

I thought you were ignoring me anyway? My posts are so clever they need an answer huh?

Okay, I'm bored anyway I'll stop annoying you now. o_O
LuminousAether said:
Firstly, I don't claim to be a metalhead.

Then What are you Doing here!!!!!!HUH Lumie

This is my last response to you. You are a thick-headed, moronic, and an irritating asshole. You have been stalking me across forums for no reason except that I insulted your favorite cock rock group and your fucking butt buddy JonnyD. You are a cocksucker and you need to shut your goddamn mouth before we realize how cripplingly inadequate your lack of intelligence is in any discussion you blindly stumble your way through.

Butt Buddie, Cocksucker and you are calling me a Troll Ha, I bow to the KING of Trolls