Browser: IE or Netscape.

Which browser do you use

  • Internet Explorer

    Votes: 30 93.8%
  • Netscape

    Votes: 3 9.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Mostly IE for me. I have major problems with it though, so Opera does all the dirty job for me.

So there should be a third option in your poll as well :p
personally i use IE because i don't bother with installing a seperate browser, but there are loads of ppl who use opera, lynx, konqueror and so on.... make a poll with more browsers available...
IE cause I can't be bothered to download anything else! Hehe...
But my beloved one has tried them all, and therefore I have as
well, cause I find it interesting to see which ones work the best :eek:)
Opera is good and works really well on the sites that makes
both Netscape and IE crash, but when Opera finally crashes
there's no way to really fix the problem and you'll have to reinstall >:eek:P

All the linux browsers are pretty crappy if you ask me, just like
with netscape there are so many things you need to download
to make it work right, with all this flash stuff >:eek:P
Konqueror is just...SLOW!

IE works fine, I was happy with it until it crashed and did not
want to install the shockwave plugin for the Opeth site.
I ended up re-installing windows just cause of it! lol >:eek:)
Hell, I need my daily looking-for-Opeth-updates!!! >:eek:)
why arent any of use using Opera?

seriously use it. Its MUCH quicker, much easier, doesnt take over your computer, small (only like 2 or 3 MB to download i think!)..

and its not microsoft

every one of you go download opera now, you will NEVER turn back.

IE makes me shudder whenever i have to use it now, its so useless and slow and takes ages to load and looks shit and hogs my taskbar space and blah blah

it sucks

it really does

it REALLY does

its like listening to Limp Bizkit

Im with YaYoGakk, Opera is my favorite right now. I used to use netscape a lot, back in the days of windows95, but then IE became the better browser. I don't like IE much, but it is the most compatible browser for most websites out there. If opera were to fix these problems, then opera would be the best. I think netscape will come back as well. I hope so, im so sick of IE.
I said I use Opera :p

I must be doing something wrong though, cause I don't see much of a difference in speed, sometimes it actually seems slower to me.... :confused:
I'm trying Opera now (even though I said I wouldn't) : it's OK: except for the damn banner ads; and I refuse to pay to get rid of them.
I'm trying Opera now (even though I said I wouldn't) : it's OK: except for the damn banner ads; and I refuse to pay to get rid of them.
Paying is not the only option....

Opera is just better. Full stop. Not in every way, but in so many more important ways, for me.