BRUTAL ASSAULT Festival, Czech Republic

FFS, Gwar are going to be at every Euro festival this year EXCEPT fucking bloodstock. RAGEEEEEEEEE
aye we're going all out for festivals this year, trying to make up for last years hellfest disgrace..... hopefully more to come soon! if you know anyone in the areas where the festivals are, let em know we're coming!!!
Go Bloodstock, Download is a waste. Actually i dont know why anybody ever goes to Download when you have Bloodstock.

because no one i know goes bloodstock they all go download, last year was pretty decent was my 1st fest, lineup could have been better but i had a band to see most the time and drunken fair ground ruled
because no one i know goes bloodstock they all go download, last year was pretty decent was my 1st fest, lineup could have been better but i had a band to see most the time and drunken fair ground ruled


The Offspring headlined ffs :lol:

(Gone Away is a good song!)

Anyone that wasn't at BOA last year missed Evile, Soulfly, Destruction, Overkill and At The Gates. FALSES. :mad:
Noone seems to have heard of this festival haha.. gonna be fucking awesome though. Thought I'd see if anyone from back home is going??

Besides Evile... SAAAAAAAADUUUUUUSSSSS!!!! !!!!!

..are playing.

Never posted on this forum before. Don't really know what I'm doing here..

Hi :D
+ Testament, Gama Bomb, Pestilence, Atheist, Cynic and Vomitory. AAAHHH! You'll have a great fucking time.
Go introduce yourself :p