Brutal Deathcore

Did you use a pop filter for the vocals? There's lots of times were it seems like he got too close or something. The kick is real flabby, it gets drowned out in certain parts. Otherwise it sounds pretty badass.
Ok, Here goes:
a. Vocals : If you can, Get the EQ out and try gettin frequencies till 250hz out, play with the high pass/low cut filter and see how much low end can you cut off. makes the plosives (P sounds) stand out a lot less. Plus, the low death growls and the high screams need the same volume, makes it way more audible.

b. Guitars : They sound pretty darn on it. Howd u get around recording em? just that when you eq and start filtering the frequencies, guitars will shine better.

c. Bass. Due to the Rumble from the kick and vocals, if there is a bass track, its definitely muddy and lost in the mix.

Drums: Once again, Filtering with EQ is the best friend, cut the low end on the kick, its metal, try getting the kicks more in the highs and less in the lows. The low end realm is conquered by bass and guitars and only used a bit for the kick. and use a noise gate, makes the signal cleaner and you get a more precise kick

Snare needs to be punchier.

OH's need more highs, overall drum kit, try using the high pass filter on EQ and get the lows out.

Anyway, heres a start, sorry if i got a bit too much with the analysis, but this is just basics. theres a whole other world of possibilities to consider while mixing.

Hope this helped a bit.
Yeah man. Alot of this stuff definitely would have been addressed given more time, but as I said it was done in just a few hours. You guys know how it is mixing when a band is standing over your shoulder.

But anyways guitars are just two tracks of LE456 hard left and right and TSE panned 80.

Also no pop filter, there were actually two vocalists. We just recorded in a closet with a 58beta.

This recording isn't totally completely serious, just something for the band to get started up again, hence some of the obvious vocal mistakes.