Deathcore/Metalcore/Groove Mix.


Matt Wilson
Jul 12, 2010
Maryland - Masterminds test.mp3

Just a test mix for my band, Sent By Ares.

Guitars: TS-999 -> LexTac -> LOLZGREG (mesa OS impulse) -> C4
Bass: Amplitube 3
Drums: SSD
Vocals: Rvox, EQ, Echo, Reverb.
Master: EQ, Mulitcomp, Dir Mix, Ad. Limiter.

Planning on reamping w/ 5150 and mesa os. Possibly tracking drums as well.

Re tracking vocals this week with SM7b. (these were recorded a few months back w/Blue Spark)

Guitars may be a little loud..

Let me know what you think? :)
Sounds pretty good! Some feedback I have is that the guitars sound a little big grainy, maybe re evaluate your eq? Also you should bring up the talking vocal part a bit and make the shells a bit louder. What snare is that? It sounds awesome, sounds a bit like the new I Declare War CD snare!
Sounds pretty good! Some feedback I have is that the guitars sound a little big grainy, maybe re evaluate your eq? Also you should bring up the talking vocal part a bit and make the shells a bit louder. What snare is that? It sounds awesome, sounds a bit like the new I Declare War CD snare!

Thanks man! I'm going to work on it a little bit more now. The snare, believe it or not, is Slate's Custom and Snare 22. With a good bit of EQ and slight clip. I'm a drummer by trade, so I spent a good amount of time tweaking them around haha.

And yeah I was going for more of that clipped sound on the guitars for this mix. Like the new Structures cd Divided By. I'll probably post another updated mix later this week once I can get home to my monitors. This was all mixed on earbuds :zzz: hah