Brutal gig at Mullberget.


blastfucker of Manifest
Mar 7, 2006
Hey again, we played a show at Mullberget, Sweden about 3 weeks ago, and got it on tape, the audio quality is pretty ok, the cameraman moved around a litte bit to much, so every now and then the quality goes bad.
Anyways, the songs we played on this magic evening were ;

Death in Fire - Amon Amarth

Behind Space - In Flames (everything in this song went bad, speed etc.)

Only the strongest - Hatesphere

Caught Devouring - Tyranny (that's us)

Jotun - In Flames

Eaten - Bloodbath

To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak the truth.

Please post a comment on what you think.

I like Caught Devouring most. You can hear that that is you song...the vocals are fucking sick! Especially the high screams. Go on like this!
Thanx man! That's really appreciated :)
Yeah, we're gonna keep bringing brutal stuff!:headbang:
oh yeah, that's right truemmer, thanks for the reminder :)

we will ;)
Why Eaten? That has to be Bloodbaths worst song by far(but I never got to see it anyway). :p

I'd really like to see your own song but firefox locked up before i got there, as it always do for some reason when im wathcing long movies.