Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Rest In Gore - 2011 - Culinary Buffet Of Hacked Innards



This is hott as fuck!!
Yea it's pretty damn good jap slam. Came out of nowhere for me though. Didn't think it was already released.
Yeah, we're all like, what's slam metal??. Just BS, it's death metal, full stop. Dying fetus rocks, btw:hotjump:
SOF and eternal suffering both rule. Are there any slam albums that came out lately that i should really check out.

The gurchick tree's ep is finally coming out. sevared is going to be distributing it. they say it should be out pretty soon.
What was all the fuss about Carnal Disfigurement? Was their demo so good? Only 5 out of 8 songs leaked so I am waiting until the whole appears on the net.
Yeah the full-length didn't leak yet. I will buy it if it's any good anyway (hoping it's available here lol) but I'd love to hear it asap too.