btw Cara,


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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I completely forgot to tell you, when I flew to SF, my connection was in Dallas,
and when we got on our connection flight in Dallas, they announced that we will have a couple of hours delay due to the thunder storms that took place there 2-3 weeks ago.
Anyhoo- while sitting on my plane, I felt your sexiness close to me
and I send you a text telling you that,

but youz didn't getz it :(
awwwwww we coulda stopped by and said hello!

unless you meant you had to spend those hours ON the plane, then that must've been terrible :p

e: that's a shame.
I have your new number, and for some reason I was under the impression I saved it to my phone, but I guess not :(

Derick: we were on the plane... but hey, I can say that I technically been to TX.... sort of :lol:

Next time I'll come and stay for a few days.

Cara: I still felt teh sexiness.
Aww Karen was it night time? I wish you could have seen Dallas downtown at night. So atmospheric. Then again you've probably been to tons of more amazing cities.
If she had seen downtown Dallas then it was only from afar :p

But! Flying OVER downtown Dallas at night is also cool.
My experience from Dallas thus far:

The airport is huge, and is built like 2 sets of boobs mirroring each other

The city looks cool from the plane,

The women who got on the plane in Dallas seem to all have the same hair dresser,

One can feel Cara's sexiness as the plane approaches the airport.
My experience from Dallas thus far:

The airport is huge, and is built like 2 sets of boobs mirroring each other

The city looks cool from the plane,

The women who got on the plane in Dallas seem to all have the same hair dresser,

One can feel Cara's sexiness as the plane approaches the airport.

The city looked amazing to me. The green lit building is like the power source that fuels the scenic value of Dallas nightlife.
Downtown is much different now than it was a year and a half ago. My first morning riding the train to work again, I was amazed...where there were cranes and a few steel beams before, there are now some awesome office buildings and lofts. Sure, Dallas is getting more and more uppity, but the addition of all those new buildings really does look nice. And the Arts District? Holy crap! I'm not sure if they are building galleries and museums or what, but there are some really strange (but neat) looking buildings going up.