So I have this amp and I decided record a short clip to compare the Shure SM57 and Audix i5 (there was a thread about these 2 mics not too long ago).
So here are the 2 audio files (24 bit unprocessed wav files):
Shure SM57: http://members.chello.hu/angyal.zoltan2/bugera333_sm57.wav
Audix i5: http://members.chello.hu/angyal.zoltan2/bugera333_i5.wav
I've placed the mics to point at the area where the cone and the dustcap meets, about 2 mm away from the speaker grill. Here are some pictures about the mic positioning:
I've made a basic drum pattern and made a quick mix too (quad tracked, sloppy guitar playing, so a bit messy sounding):
Only SM57 used: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=809825&songID=7110126
Only i5 used: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=809825&songID=7110132
Both mics used (1-1 of them each side): http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=809825&songID=7110152
If anyone interested I've played on an LTD EC-2005 guitar, Ibanez Tube Screamer, Bugera 333
into some kind of Peavey 4x12 cab, and the mics were plugged into an Alesis iO26. The setting of the amp was the following:
Gain: 11:00
Bass: 13:30
Mid: 10:00
Treble: 13:00
Tube screamer:
Drive 9:00
Tone 12:00
Volume: 12:00
Not the best tone I know, I've just dialed in something in 5 mins, because I haven't got too much time to do this, but I think you can compare the mics' sound.
I hope that someone will find this thread useful
Ps: Please don't flame me about my english, this is not my native language.
So I have this amp and I decided record a short clip to compare the Shure SM57 and Audix i5 (there was a thread about these 2 mics not too long ago).
So here are the 2 audio files (24 bit unprocessed wav files):
Shure SM57: http://members.chello.hu/angyal.zoltan2/bugera333_sm57.wav
Audix i5: http://members.chello.hu/angyal.zoltan2/bugera333_i5.wav
I've placed the mics to point at the area where the cone and the dustcap meets, about 2 mm away from the speaker grill. Here are some pictures about the mic positioning:

I've made a basic drum pattern and made a quick mix too (quad tracked, sloppy guitar playing, so a bit messy sounding):
Only SM57 used: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=809825&songID=7110126
Only i5 used: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=809825&songID=7110132
Both mics used (1-1 of them each side): http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=809825&songID=7110152
If anyone interested I've played on an LTD EC-2005 guitar, Ibanez Tube Screamer, Bugera 333

Gain: 11:00
Bass: 13:30
Mid: 10:00
Treble: 13:00
Tube screamer:
Drive 9:00
Tone 12:00
Volume: 12:00
Not the best tone I know, I've just dialed in something in 5 mins, because I haven't got too much time to do this, but I think you can compare the mics' sound.
I hope that someone will find this thread useful

Ps: Please don't flame me about my english, this is not my native language.