Opinions on this guitar tone - I5 and 57


Bad / Nationwide
Dec 12, 2005
After loading in my new V30's I am really digging the difference compared to the G12T-75's I was using. The hype is justified. :rock:

Anyway, I threw a 57 and then an I5 in front of them to see what they would give me. They sound more alike then they did on the 75's, but noticably different.

Which do you guys prefer?


Audix I5

Also I've created a clip of the two mics mixed:

57 and I5
Yeah i agree with you guys, my taste is leaning more on the i5 side but of course the there was nothing really wrong with the 57. good test though, gonna pick me up an i5. On a differant note i just got rid of some shit i wasnt using anymore and have the chance to get a Royer R-121 i have always heard these are the shit on heavy cabs what do you guys think?