First Foray into Slate, Digital Preamps and Impulses


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
This is a arrangement of Heaven & Hell by black sabbath. I did this last week after I picked up SS Drums. I mixed slate with the real kit and I am digging this so far.

Let me know what you think:

Drums - Yamaha Studio Custom
50/50 Snare - SM57 and The snare from the All American Kit in Slate
50/50 Kick - Beta 52 and Tone Def kick from Slate
Toms - All triggers - All American Kit Slate

Guitars - Custom 7 String with Bare Knuckle Miracle man 7s quad tracked
Amps - Peavey Valveking into a Marshall 4x12 v30s Audix i5 straight on cone
Amp sims - the New Engl Pre with Recab Ghandi 4×12 6L6 57

The 3 and 4 track guitars were recorded clean right into the pre then into the Engl Sim, put recab on it using Revalver. The guitar tone is a 60/40 mix Engl and the Peavey.

Bass - Rogue 5 string stock pickups through a tube screamer added waves MaxxBass at 80hz boost.

Keys are a variety of VST plugins I found on the web

Any and all comments appreciated!
I dig it man ... nice job.

Some of the key sounds in the verses sections are a bit harsh sounding you may want to make just the slightest adjustment to your MaxxBass blend (perhaps just a bit more of the original bass signal) but other than that it all sounded pretty damn good to me