Bugera 6260 tube-swap/cab questions.


Dec 2, 2008
I bought a Bugera 6260 half-stack just a little while ago, and so far I like it. I'm starting to find the tone I want, and the amp is in great working condition, but I've heard a lot of people saying that a new cab could make a big difference in sound. Some have said that a Mesa oversized 4X12 would totally change the way this head sounds, so I wonder if that's actually true. Does the cab make that much of a difference?

Also, I'm thinking about swapping the power tubes, I've been looking at some other 6L6s, but I'm not sure if I should rule out some EL34s either. I'd like to know what the main difference in sound would be from the 6L6s and EL34s, and which brand would be best for each. Thanks in advance.
the cab is going to make a huge difference for any amp...and i'd be willing to bet that the quality of the bugera cabs is junk

any cab made of heavy plywood and with good speakers will probably sound a lot better
That sounds about right. I'll have to try and run the head through some different cabs to see what I like best. The Bugera cab sounds like it's made from some pretty heavy duty stuff, the damn thing weighs quite a bit, but that's also in comparison to my last cab, which wasn't a 4X12.
The Bugera cabs don't sound too bad to me... we were comparing a bunch of different 4x12s at my work (Mesa oversized, 1960A, Hughes & Kettner, Krank Rev, Avatar, etc) and they actually held up pretty well. All the other cabinets sounded better in various ways but not by a whole lot... you could always try putting some vintage 30s in your Bugera but at that price you could just get a new Avatar cab loaded with V30s!
I've thought about just putting some different speakers in it, but if it would cost that much I might as well just get a whole new cab like you said. Only problem is I'm kind of limited for space, so a new cab aside from the three other amps I have already would kind of be pushing it, and I still have to go pick up a Fender half-stack I recently inherited from my grandfather. I guess I could sell the Bugera cab, but I might as well try some others first. Maybe the Fender cab will sound good with the 6260.
Dude, absolutely ditch the Bugera cab, and get a used Mesa, without a doubt. I did some homework on the Bugera cab, and not only is it $250 (BIG red flag), I also can't find any detail on its construction (specifically wood type), leading me to believe it, um...sucks. :D Anything with V30s is a guaranteed success, especially if it has "Mesa" written on it ;) (and they're SO cheap used, and are all over the place)