Tube-swap for Bugera 6260.

I would get them.....change them, and a/b them, and you'll know. and if there's not a difference...boom you have an extra set when they start to go bad.

Bingo - I don't have enough experience with all different brands of tubes to say, but I know when I changed between a couple of pre-amp tubes by some of the big brands the differences between them were incredibly tiny. On the other hand, I'm sure the stock ones in the Bugera are garbage, so anything would be an improvement!
Tubes make a huge difference. If you luck out and have an amp that the manufacturer put quality tubes in stock, then sure you may not notice a huge upgrade - but hell even replacing the stock Dual Rec 6L6s to JJs gave me a HUGE improvement on the low end.
It also helps to know what the tubes are doing in what spot. I did alot of tube rolling with my JSX and noting everything down when I had a dozen or so different types to see what happened. That said all tubes age differently, it also depends what tones your going for etc. Ultimately the circuit is what it is, and tubes wont change that, but they can and do make a huge difference. If your spending money on a tube amp over an SS amp, why skimp on the actual tonemakers!
I've checked the website, there is a pdf file about different tubes, they call it tube-map. There are 4 different type of application they mention: input tube (V1), Position V2...VX, FX Loop - tube buffer, Reverb/Tremolo. They are suggesting different kind of tubes in those 4 different positions.

In my amp there are 4 preamp tubes, but I don't know how to find the right type of tubes regarding to the document I mentioned above. There are text below the sockets saying: 12AX7A, 12AX7B, 12AX7C/12AX7B, 12AX7C/12AX7B. 3 of the sockets are next to each other, and one socket is separated and that is next to the power amp sockets. I know that the A, B, and C are there for indicating the amplification of the tube, so I think the 12AX7A is the input-tube, but I don't know what are the other 3 are doing (maybe the one next to the power amp tubes is the tube for the fx-loop).

Can somebody give me tips, how to find the right type of tubes for my amp?
I appreciate all the input guys. Thanks. I can get an ok tone out of my Bugera, it's mostly the low-end I'd like to fix and cut back the extra noise a little bit. I'll order some JJs from eurotubes and see how big the difference is, A/B them and see if there's a big change or not.
That's a good question. Can't really think of a reason not to, and I do mean to get a gate. Will the TS7 really do the trick? I figure I'll get some new tubes anyways, especially after hearing the pre-amp tubes aren't exactly fantastic. What does the TS7 have, seperate EQ in an overdrive pedal?
Unfortunately I didn't do a hell of a lot of cab research before shopping for a new amp, and I don't have any money to throw into a different cab right now. I haven't played through a million amps, so I'm not an expert by any means, but so far it seems to do the job. No doubt an upgraded cab would certainly improve the sound situation overall, but for the time being I can deal with using the Bugera 4X12.