build a cab

After hearing the 5150 vs. krank thread from a few days ago I'm thinking that since I'm a 5150 guy (for now) I might want to go with the v30s, as the 5150 didn't sound so great out of the Krank cab. At the same time, going with solid wood is going to make the shit sound rad no matter what speaker, right? I've got access to some pretty good wood too so it should be a fun project if i take it on.

sidenote: I really, really like the new Arch Enemy album.
Genius Gone Insane said:
that sounds viable--have you ordered from them before?
I haven't but a friend of mine got a cab through them and thought it was great and certainly a bargain. Since they have a good refund policy it's hard to pass up a 4x12" v30 cab for under $400.