Krankenstein Issues.


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
OK so over the past few days me and my buddy have been dicking around with his new Krankenstein. He send me this E-mail a few days ago so i been there cheicking it out and I am hacing the same problems.

Yeah, after forking out $1700 for a head, he couldn't afford a $999 Krank cabinet with the Eminence Texas Heat speakers. He thought about buying the texas heat speakers and installing them in His current cabinet to see what he get.

Here is the Setup, currently;

Ibanez RG7620 7 string w/ D'Addario .10 - .58 strings. (This is string through body, no tremelo) Seymour Duncan, "Duncan Distortion" in the bridge.

e mainly use Dunlop picks, usualy 1mm or close to, sometimes he usees the "jazz pick"

Hes plugging in to his Krankenstein Head w/ only a Boss tuner in between.
Currently, Hes using a Hartke 4X12 cab that can run 4 8 or 16 ohm. The cabinet has some cheap stock Celestions that comes with it.

The deal w/ the cabinet is; I've been told the actual cabinet itself has been constructed as well as a Marshall 1960 cab (yea right). That they are very similiar in construction and depending upon the actuall cabinet itself, one could be better than the other, construction wise.

So, IWe thought about buying the Eminence Texas Heat Speakers and installing them in this cab, for now.

We have taken the Krankenstein to music stores and plugged in to numerous cabinets, Marshall included, but they all end up sounding the same. High end, shrill, noisy, and any bass added just means muffled sound

Any Suggestions ????
apparently the texas heat speakers aren't exactly great, i guess you'll be better off with bog standart v30s or gt75s.
other than that, maybe you should try the old tubescreamer boost thingy.
It seems to be the consensus around here that V30 cabs sound nice with this amp, especially Mesa's.

FWIW, I think the tone you described is pretty much the Krankenstein tone, unless you drop the presence down to pretty much nothing. I much prefer the Revolution, but I think it can get pretty icepicky, too.
You gotta fuck around. I have a krankenstien and it's pretty easy to get it to sound hella good (and I'm stuck using a b-52 4x12 with god knows what kind of speakers for now), but then again... you can get some of the high/bassy shrill stuff you're talking about aswell.
Try these settings...see how they sound
greyskull said:
guitar maybe?? try a tubescreamer

The Krankenstien needs no Tube screamer , it kills all byitself. I can only Imagine what a tube screamer in front of it would sound like... Boy..

i have a krankenstein, try these settings, they work for me master-at least 1.5 Pres.-5 Sweep-full Bass-3.5 Mid-5 Treb-6 Mast.1-8 Mast.2- Gain-8.5
Dmantis said:
The Krankenstien needs no Tube screamer , it kills all byitself. I can only Imagine what a tube screamer in front of it would sound like... Boy..


I think he meant if the guitars shit, it may need the tube screamer to make it sound good, similar to what andy said.