Building a cab- DIY help and opinions


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
Well I want to build it around either a Mesa or Orange design. It will be either 14/16/18 ply 212 or 412. Before I start that built though, I'm going to whip up a quick 1x12 utilizing the same designs on the larger cab.

Birch wood, Mitre joints glued and nailed, sealed removable back, wired in stereo . Speakers are still unknown, I'd like to get an X pattern of maybe some 75's and 30's.

The only issue I'm having is what to make the baffle out of and how thick it should be. I'm sort of leaning towards a slant cab for slant cab for better dispersion or I can create a slant 212 to go on top of my gflex.
I built a 1x12 Thiele myself and it was very easy to build - and man do they sound awesome! I had two Mesa 4x12"s before but they can't compare to this little monster as it is tighter and yet sounding as huge as the big ones.
I have built two Thieles, one with a EVM 12L and one with a V30 - great combination and GREAT sound. :)

I used Birch Multiplex with 0,7" thickness - I would not recommend thicker wood as the cab will get VERY heavy...

I built a 1x12 Thiele myself and it was very easy to build - and man do they sound awesome! I had two Mesa 4x12"s before but they can't compare to this little monster as it is tighter and yet sounding as huge as the big ones.
I have built two Thieles, one with a EVM 12L and one with a V30 - great combination and GREAT sound. :)

I used Birch Multiplex with 0,7" thickness - I would not recommend thicker wood as the cab will get VERY heavy...


Thiele is the ported 1x12 right? Did you just copy the mesa design? Do you have any pics? What did you make the baffle out of and how thick was it?
The Mesa Thiele is a 1:1 copy of the original Electro Voice TL806, basically a 12" bass cabinet featuring the EVM 12L.
As it turned out, this cab was extremly good sounding with guitars too. :)

Mesa only changed some little things that don't affect the sound and make the building process even more simple.
I have the original EV building plan and studied lots of Mesa pictures from eBay so I could get an idea how to build an optimal version.

The baffle is from the same material, only the four cleats are 3-ply spruce.

And this is how my cabs look like:



You just have to look how much money the used Thieles are still worth and you'll get a clue how good the concept is working. :headbang:

The Mesa Thiele is a 1:1 copy of the original Electro Voice TL806, basically a 12" bass cabinet featuring the EVM 12L.
As it turned out, this cab was extremly good sounding with guitars too. :)

Mesa only changed some little things that don't affect the sound and make the building process even more simple.
I have the original EV building plan and studied lots of Mesa pictures from eBay so I could get an idea how to build an optimal version.

The baffle is from the same material, only the four cleats are 3-ply spruce.

And this is how my cabs look like:



You just have to look how much money the used Thieles are still worth and you'll get a clue how good the concept is working. :headbang:


Could you send those files my way? I'm not sure if I want to make a Thiele or completely sealed cab, I guess I could make two.

Just have a look at these tunes:

I made soundsamples with the Thiele - I compared 8 speakers in this cab to get an idea which speaker will fit best for me.
The speakers were Cel. Century Vintage, Cel. V30, Cel. H30, Cel. Seventy 80, EVM 12L, Emin. Governor, Emin. Wizard and Emin. V121.
Conclusion: The V30 won bigtime, followed by the Governor. The Gov is somewhat cheaper, but I wanted the BEST sound and therefore I had to pay a bit more.
The H30 would be verrrry nice for other musical styles than metal. The EVM 12L sounded terribly bad when miced with my e609, but it sounds very good in the room. My tech told me that this speaker needs room to sound really good, so a condenser in the room might be able to catch the fat sound.

Just have a look at these tunes:

I made soundsamples with the Thiele - I compared 8 speakers in this cab to get an idea which speaker will fit best for me.
The speakers were Cel. Century Vintage, Cel. V30, Cel. H30, Cel. Seventy 80, EVM 12L, Emin. Governor, Emin. Wizard and Emin. V121.
Conclusion: The V30 won bigtime, followed by the Governor. The Gov is somewhat cheaper, but I wanted the BEST sound and therefore I had to pay a bit more.
The H30 would be verrrry nice for other musical styles than metal. The EVM 12L sounded terribly bad when miced with my e609, but it sounds very good in the room. My tech told me that this speaker needs room to sound really good, so a condenser in the room might be able to catch the fat sound.


Awesome, seems like there's alot of praise conserning the Thiele style cab.

You have a unique tone, not too much gain and very dry. Both clips were done with the Thiele cab and a v30?

I'm building a cab too...a 2x12 with 2 v30s. I hope it will sound good..
I'll post pics :)

How are you going about making it? What dimensions are you using?
No, at the time we were in studio I was still playing my House Of Speakers sevenT5 4x12 (grrrreat box by the way) combined with a VHT 2x12 and a Orange 2x12. Amps: Single Rectifer, VHT Pittbull and Vox AC50.

The sound on CD is not the sound I do have live, but our tech created this "unique" sound and I gave it a shot. Next time I would go more for a mainstream sound like Killswitch...
Some pictures of the studio and the equipment used there are here:

I just finished building my 2x12 for my jsx. I used mdf as I couldnt find decent priced ply, but used a ply soundboard. Butt joints with thick pine bracing on each joint, and running lengthways. 18mm sides/top/bottom, 12mm mdf back panel, 12mm ply soundboard. Fucking heavy, but strong as. I gap sealed everywhere I could before putting the soundboard in, I covered it in vinyl (blue), and put some cheap sound absorbing foam inside. Sounds fantastic! No rattles, great punchy bottom, no boomy resonance.

To design I drew up a plan with 2 12" circles with what I considered enough meat around them. Then I used the 'golden ratio' as the depth. But I didnt calculate for the stuff inside, and started caring less and less about the science, and more on the materials and build quality. Celestions site recommends this also.

Apart from stuffing up one corner, the one closest to me (d'oh!) I think it looks great! Just need to get some corner covers now :rolleyes:


Its loaded with g12t-75's. I'd like a V30 cab next. Ply all the way on that one though!! Then after getting used to the v30s, create a nice x pattern with them both.