Building a Recording Setup


Jul 21, 2009
Im looking for some good pointers for rebuilding my recording setup. I just sold off everything, and im starting from scratch.

I have a budget of about $2000. I would like to see some change too. I know it can be done relatively simply and not overly expensive.

I need a new computer, Protools rig/interface, id like a drum program and a guitar interface. I want to be able to plug in my guitar and be able to start tracking.

I know I can get a killer PC for a lot less than a Mac. Who here uses either? I have a Mac currently, but its time it finds a resting place. For the recording interface, who is using the Motu stuff? I have a 002, I really don't need all the inputs, i'm basically recording guitars in a bedroom.

I know Positive Grid makes that amp profiler, and Amplitube does too. I saw the EZ drummer stuff...pretty cool and interactive. I need a brutal sounding metal kit that I won't have to waste a lot of time learning. I would also like a decent tube preamp...I have a Presonus Digimax currently. Instead, Id like a one channel pre that will be nice and warm. After recording guitars, eventually it will be all reamped.

Ezdrummer metal machine or made of metal for drums. The new progressive foundry is awesome. TSE x50v2 is probably your best option for metal rhythm/lead tones. Amplitube 4 with the new Mesa expansion is also a great option.
If you already have an interface I wouldn't worry too much about down-sizing really. And maybe think about trying Reaper instead of PT since its wayyyy cheaper.

There are plenty of free amp sims out there that sound great. And you can't go wrong with EZDrummer and Metal Machine pack or probably any of the other metal packs (I haven't tried any others though).
I have room for this. A laptop and an interface are much smaller than the current setup

What I meant was, that if was in the proper section you wouldn't be ignored by 99% of the forum. This section is for Andy Sneap related threads, Backline is for equipment related threads. The mods have better things to do with their lives than move a thread created by somebody who has been on the forum for almost 7 years and still doesn't get it.
Oh look its the thread police. Well, I haven't been on here in a while. I have better things to do with my life.
I'd go with an Apogee Duet as 'pocket interface', not that cheap but great and small. Or a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 (wayyy cheaper yet good). Also a Golden Age Project Pre73 which is a great & warm sounding preamp. I think EZ Drummer 2 with let's say Made Of Metal EZX would be a good choice as said above. Guitar amp sim I know: Metal Amp Room (Softube), Toneforge Menace (JST).

PS - And yeah, that's not the right place to post this ;)
I'd go with an Apogee Duet as 'pocket interface', not that cheap but great and small. Or a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 (wayyy cheaper yet good). Also a Golden Age Project Pre73 which is a great & warm sounding preamp. I think EZ Drummer 2 with let's say Made Of Metal EZX would be a good choice as said above. Guitar amp sim I know: Metal Amp Room (Softube), Toneforge Menace (JST).

PS - And yeah, that's not the right place to post this ;)
Cool...yea, I heard really cool things about the Apogee and Focusrite. I will check out the Goldenage.

Ok, so for the in the Sneap related threads? I havent been on here in years...
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