Built myself a new desk

I couldn't find a desk that fits my needs in a reasonable price range (the cheapest I found was way over 1000€) so I made my own. It's nothing fancy and I'm far from a carpenter, but I think it turned out pretty nice and it's exactly what I need.

Here's a horribly crappy pic, it looks a lot better in nature:


It's a simple table with 2x3U racks and a separate stool for the iMac, full oak with walnut wax. I still need to install the rack rails and fill the empty spaces with more toys. Also, the racks are a bit of an acoustic problem considering the monitor placement, but I've got some new monitors coming in next week and a pair of higher stands, and I'll tilt them down with some pads so it won't be a problem.

And yeah, the cables are a mess :lol:
Awesome job dude! Further proof that building your own desk is easely done, cheap and can yield very possitive results. I've gone trough the same path a few months ago and i'm glad i didn't spend 1k on a desk. Granted my desk isnt as nice as yours but mine literealy cost me near nothing lol When i get more gear and i know exactly what i need i'll build myself a nicer one.

The only thing i would've done different is the 2 legs in the middle of the table. Seems like that's not the most comfortable place to have something obstruct your leg room, i know it would annoy the crap out of me. It might just be the angle of the picture that makes it seem worse than it really is.
Thanks a lot everyone!

Awesome job dude! Further proof that building your own desk is easely done, cheap and can yield very possitive results. I've gone trough the same path a few months ago and i'm glad i didn't spend 1k on a desk. Granted my desk isnt as nice as yours but mine literealy cost me near nothing lol When i get more gear and i know exactly what i need i'll build myself a nicer one.

Absolutely. The desk ended up costing me about 200€, and that's only because I went with oak. The wood alone was about 150€, but you can get away with 1/3th of that.

The only thing i would've done different is the 2 legs in the middle of the table. Seems like that's not the most comfortable place to have something obstruct your leg room, i know it would annoy the crap out of me. It might just be the angle of the picture that makes it seem worse than it really is.

There's actually four legs, as they are the legs of the separate iMac stool :) I wanted a separate platform so I could get the huge screen a bit lower and further back. The picture might lie a bit, the legs aren't in my way at all :)
looks very cool. i also like to have some space and had one almost identical looking. after i moved, i switched to a simpler version, though. now i'm using this for the sides:


Cool dude! Very smart to put the Imac on a seperate table, so it doesn't wobble when those f..ing clients bump the table all the time....
Ahh, i see it now. Thats actually a pretty cool idea. I may steal this design for my next desk lol

Haha, by all means. One of the advantages is that you can push the screen back so that it won't interfere with the monitors' "line of fire." I'm getting a pair of Focal Twins, and when they're placed horizontally, the inner woofer would be a bit blocked by the iMac if it was on the table.
Looking very good, nice job! Good choice with the finish.
Originally I planned to build a desk on my own, too.. but I wanted lowered, slanted racks that wouldn't interfere with the monitors (though it won't be too bad if you tilt the monitors I guess) and I also wanted the sideracks to be angled inwards, so the racks would be easier to reach for. And all of that required more skill than I have :lol:
Looking very good, nice job! Good choice with the finish.
Originally I planned to build a desk on my own, too.. but I wanted lowered, slanted racks that wouldn't interfere with the monitors (though it won't be too bad if you tilt the monitors I guess) and I also wanted the sideracks to be angled inwards, so the racks would be easier to reach for. And all of that required more skill than I have :lol:

Yeah, that's why I went with 90 degree angles only :lol:

...and the Finnish!

That was so bad I actually laughed out loud a little :lol: