Bulb - In Mauritius! New Djentlemen Clip with the Axefx!


Jan 4, 2007
Hey guys, so im in Mauritius (google it!) visiting the Parents and vacationationating and stuff, i had meant to record something earlier but my 7 down here was acting up and only started behaving today. So i have started another project called "The Djentlemen", and the only rule is that it has to groove! Chris (Periphery's vocalist) is handling vocal duties, so expect to hear this with vocals in the near future!

This is the first song i have done on my new laptop, and i havent transferred all of my plugins over yet, so this is a somewhat stripped down mix, but it ended up being a bit more organic sounding and i think it has its own kinda charm, so im going to build up from here and see what happens. The bass is pitch shifted clean guitar since i dont have a real bass here, and all the sounds that arent drums are axefx!

Anyways you can hear the song (it's called "Chocolate Flobs") here on myspace:
or you can hear it in significantly better quality at:

actually for this one i went back to dfhs to explore its sounds a bit more!
Ah, it works now! Sounding AWESOME, man! What are you using as far as bass goes these days, if you don't mind me asking?
thanks a lot guys!

jeff: actually i have really missed the raw dfhs kick, its just such a perfect sample and the s2 kick is really weak by comparison, so i dont have to do much other than eq it really!

rex: as of late i have been using my podx3 and my schecter stiletto 5 string, but for this song since i dont have my bass here with me i just recorded a clean track and pitchshifted it down an octave, not ideal but it does the trick.
Very nice dude. I really love that it's a stripped down mix. I'm really living your tone way more with the Axe dude. Much more organic than the pod! I still really like the pod tones you have had too.

thanks guys!
the presets are on sevenstring.org in the patch library and i think someone actually uploaded them to custom tone as well!
I'm digging it, but why start a new "project" for this stuff when it might as well be a periphery song?

a few reasons
periphery already has more than enough material (considering i already have the first 2 albums pretty much ready to go haha)

and its also more aimed towards a balance of melody and groove as well as tons of layers
this is a band that will have one or two guitarists (mainly for live double tracked sound) and wont have singing or much melody, just plain heavy
it was a good enough reason to warrant a new project for me!
hope that makes sense now!