Bulb - Got my Axefx Ultra! Short Clip with it!


Jan 4, 2007
Hey guys,
So i got my axefx ultra, and i have to say its absolutely brilliant, i have barely scratched the surface of what this thing can do. Its the perfect thing for a tweaker like me. But even without tweaking it sounds awesome, because i plugged right in, dialed in a tone in about 5 minutes, and used it to record a clip with no post processing or post eq on the guitars! It just sat perfectly in the mix as it was!
I cant wait to actually sit down and work on the tones!

Anyways, here is the clip:

Sounds good, but honestly they are a lot quieter than typical in your mixes. I know you said no processing but volume really isn't processing... otherwise sounds great for being the raw sound! How long did you wait for this once you bought it? Or did you buy it used or something...?

Bulb I honestly don't know whether I should love you or hate you right now.
Maybe a kinky combination of both?
Either way, this shit fucking owns.
BTW Misha, what firmware are your Ultra at? If not 6.0, the upgrade asap, 'cause the longer cabs (hires mono) and the new parameters in the advanced amp blocks are quite useful.
thanks a lot guys!
Jocke, i upgraded to 6.0 and everything sounds amazing, i used the hires mono mesa cab for this clip! the only thing is i need to figure out how to convert your files, because i have a folder with a ton of your impulses that i cant use now that i upgraded... (sad face thingy)

here ya go j.davisnj: http://www.mediafire.com/?iymmx5zhl4q
thanks a lot guys!
Jocke, i upgraded to 6.0 and everything sounds amazing, i used the hires mono mesa cab for this clip! the only thing is i need to figure out how to convert your files, because i have a folder with a ton of your impulses that i cant use now that i upgraded... (sad face thingy)

Misha, check my AxeFX forum sig. I upgraded the IR's to v.6.0 They work just fine now. You can throw the old ones away. I'm planning of keeping them a week more or so. Actually, i have a couple of IR's included in the v6 firmware. It's the EnglXXL, Peavey, and some more i think. Haven't A-B:d so I'm not sure. :)
Misha, check my AxeFX forum sig. I upgraded the IR's to v.6.0 They work just fine now. You can throw the old ones away. I'm planning of keeping them a week more or so. Actually, i have a couple of IR's included in the v6 firmware. It's the EnglXXL, Peavey, and some more i think. Haven't A-B:d so I'm not sure. :)

have i ever told you that i love you? just in case i havent: i love you!
Great sounds Bulb, I loved your podxt tones, but these are better IMO. More warm and full, yet very defined. Are you gonna record the Periphery album with the AxeFX?
I made those for the fellow axefx users, and FINALLY someone who'll understand what it's all about!

A thank you on the album, and a copy will do just fine *hint hint* :tickled:

well you would have gotten that anyways haha, you are basically the reason i decided to pick one up back when you first showed me your clips in march!
i cant wait to start messing with your impulses, there are just so many ways to tweak on this thing i dont even know where to start haha!
which impulse of yours would you reccomend i start with?
Start with the TS808-Drive -> New Recto Amp -> Mono Hires "Line6A_MT84shelf-5db@129hz.syx" and add an ParaEQ last, cause the IR likes that. Adjust according to taste, and hear that Meshuggah djent popping out. ;)

Oh, and my favorite is the FAS Modern. Really clear, tight distortion. Master at 5 or 12 o'clock as a starting point.
Oh, my... that second clip sounds Djentylicious!

I definitely hear a more organic tone with this compared to the POD, but it still has that tightness and agression you need for your style of music... I'm so jealous right now, Misha!