Bulb - New pretty and clean song, probably for OMNOM (Axefx cleans!)


Jan 4, 2007
Hey guys.

This song is called "epic fail" because its basically what took place not too long after i recorded it.

I usually am very good about backing up my data, so much so that in Mauritius i had filled up my backup drive, and just as my awesome luck would have it, the day before i went out to buy a new backup drive when i got back here, my laptop's hard drive made that dreaded clicking sound and it was basically toast. To recover the data, the plates would have to be removed and put in a new drive and that i was told would cost me about 1600 bucks which is just not worth it to me...

I lost all the work i did in Mauritius, including Chocolate Flobs, Unleash the Pwnies, this song and a bunch of other song ideas i never posted.
The plan had originally been to make this an OMNOM song (which it will be once i have time to do vocals with Elliot) , but i thought i might as well put it up in the meantime as an instrumental.

As far as the song itself, it was inspired by this awesome tuning that my good buddy Nolly showed me when i was visiting him in the UK. I apologize for the song is a bit rough in places but to fix anything i would have to rerecord it from scratch, which i will do someday....

Ok enough talk here are the links:
http://www.myspace.com/iambulb for myspace
http://soundclick.com/share?songid=7317156 for soundclick

I love the drums - especially that snare, but the kick is abit too unnatural sounding for this song. I think something alittle more unprocessed or roomy might work better. Also I would have like the drums to kick in sooner or something.
Great coloring creating a beautiful vision. And I can understand the timing, which is a bonus for me!!! Well done, Bulb.
Sorry to hear about your hard drive woes. You should definitely keep the drive somewhere safe though. One day $1,600 may be chump change to you :). As for the song, I like it.
I love the drums - especially that snare, but the kick is abit too unnatural sounding for this song. I think something alittle more unprocessed or roomy might work better. Also I would have like the drums to kick in sooner or something.I love the drums - especially that snare, but the kick is abit too unnatural sounding for this song. I think something alittle more unprocessed or roomy might work better. Also I would have like the drums to kick in sooner or something.

it's been my profile song since last night :headbang: