Bulb - Unleash The Pwnies! Kinda on the crazy side...

I think Misha is a cool guy and makes awesome music, but c'mon man. This has nothing to do with Meshuggah.... it's his attempt at a tech death type song, and very obviously heavy influenced by the new album by The Faceless (probably a little too similar, I think actually lol).... awesome playing and production skills, of course, but not ground breaking...

Just to clarify, so I don't come off wrong, I think this song (along with most other songs Misha has done) is awesome.... just was pointing out the correlation there with the faceless....
i hear same faceless influ :) great song!
thanks BROS! really glad you guys are diggin this one!

kazrog, ya gotta watch out for the props police haha!!
ah unfortunately im stupid when it comes to theory and i have very weird and probably bad technique because i am self taught, but oh well i write songs like this in the hopes of getting better myself haha!