Bulb - New Rough Heavy Song! (x3, s2.0, warpig)


Jan 4, 2007
sup guys
so im back from cali, and just for the sake of catharsis i had to record something.
so i decided to rework and rerecord and add a bunch of parts of a short snippet that was on soundclick.
now its still not entirely complete, and im using my new songs as a testbed for different kinds of mixes for s2.0 (since it sounds so drastically different for better or for worse), so i hope you guys like it and if its not up to par with the other mixes i apologize in advance, but its in the name of experimentation and stuff!

the song is called "frak the gods!" and you can find it here:
http://www.myspace.com/iambulb (default song on the page)
http://soundclick.com/share?songid=6831655 (for the soundclick fans)

Just when I think I have a really nice snare sound with s2.0 you come and put this up haha:)
sounds good.
Gotta love that pounding kick
I'm really digging this snare, I feel you're on the right track, but I still feel it's lacking something compared to your older one. I'm not sure I dig the kick... I don't think the clicky sound cuts through as much as I personally like. IMO, it pales compared to how powerfull the snare is.
i agree with you, the kick is really not to my liking, its more of a rock kick. i love the snares and toms, but the kick is so important in my style of music, i hope they release tomas's kit in 2.0 in the near future or else the Periphery album will have to be dfhs.
i agree with you, the kick is really not to my liking, its more of a rock kick. i love the snares and toms, but the kick is so important in my style of music, i hope they release tomas's kit in 2.0 in the near future or else the Periphery album will have to be dfhs.

ever thought of replacing the kick?
ever thought of replacing the kick?

well the thing is, ideally i want it to sound like part of the kit, and to bleed accordingly, so there is the rub, because i dont want a fake kick sound, otherwise yeah thats an easy solution
well the thing is, ideally i want it to sound like part of the kit, and to bleed accordingly, so there is the rub, because i dont want a fake kick sound, otherwise yeah thats an easy solution

Yeah that's a problem. I replace the kick in Addictive Drums, and Ill let the kick bleed into the room mics. It can sound funny depending on how similar the replaced kick sounds to the original one.
The mix is awesome as usual like everything else you post. I couldn't listen to an entire album of this straight through, though. It just sounds like you compete with yourself to see how many notes you can squeeze into a song and I lose interest within the first minute. You're obviously a talented dude, just not my cup of tea.
I've actually stopped commented your stuff... not because i can't get presets, but i i'm just repeating myself...

IT'S F...... AWESOME!!! That snare... my biggest problem in Superior 2.0... damn!!!
i agree with you, the kick is really not to my liking, its more of a rock kick. i love the snares and toms, but the kick is so important in my style of music, i hope they release tomas's kit in 2.0 in the near future or else the Periphery album will have to be dfhs.

I like the S2.0 drums way more overall than your DFHS setup although I agree with you about the kick. The toms in S2.0 especially blow away the toms in DFHS.