Bulb - New heavy song "Light" (Petrucci 7 string, podxt)

Really awesome dude. I like everything I've ever heard from you and or Periphery, but this song has some parts that I especially like...that slow groovy thing that starts around 0:53 is extremely cool sounding.
thanks a lot guys!

can u share some hints about effecting the guitars on pc? I mean, what plugins do u use to make pod sound incredible?

honestly dude its just eq, i dont like compression on guitars or anything like that, so its just eqing the guitars to sit well and not fight the drums or the bass, its A LOT of fine tuning mostly and still a work in progress...probably always a work in progress really....

oh yeah and good call IceMan it is Drop Ab indeed!
bass im afraid to admit is fake bass because im lazy, its just a dry clean guitar track pitchshifted an octave down and then some eq to "disguise" it i guess, does the trick though haha!
Great stuff as always bulb! I can't believe how HARD you pick those strings, ultratight playing there mate! :)
i really like your rhythmic approaches to each section. I'm dying to hear more of your songs/periphery songs with vocals on them. i have icarus and juggernaut on my mp3 player, constantly having to listen to those 2 songs over and over.
awesome as always... I love your stuff, man. I downloaded absolomb and coldemark and listen to them all the time. might have to download this one too :)

I'm getting all my recording shit set up soon. About to buy a new desktop PC and I think a presonus firestudio. Drums will be steven slate drums 2.0 and guitars and bass will be direct recorded with the fractal audio axe-fx. We're going to be going for a tech/prog metal thing in the vein of sikth, protest the hero, btbam, etc.... I'm pretty excited.

I might have to try that pitchshifting clean guitar for bass thing... if it sounds good, that'd definitely be easier. heh
what pickups do you have in that guitar? The Drop Sonics? I know you use the M7 or 8 pickups. How much do they cost?(just the bridge,not set). How do they compare the EMGs? Do you double track or quad track?
what pickups do you have in that guitar? The Drop Sonics? I know you use the M7 or 8 pickups. How much do they cost?(just the bridge,not set). How do they compare the EMGs? Do you double track or quad track?

its the stock pickups but the non d-sonic model, to be quite honest with you the pickups in this guitar are among my favorite ever, up there with the lundgren, the d-sonic series however i was definitely not a fan of.
lundgrens if you can buy them individually are about 200 a pop or so, and they are djentier than emgs and have the passive response which i like.
i double track on recordings.
thanks. Have you tried the Dimarzio D activators? I just ordered one for my bridge.
yeah i tried it in the Xiphos 6 string, they are high output but they feel like active pickups and werent really the kind of sound i like personally