Bulb - Testing a new mix and the Ibby Rg 2228


Jan 4, 2007
So im back home now, and i have been working on my new mix some more, and since i had been stuck with my 6 string for so long while i was gone i went straight for the 8 and decided to try some random throwaway riffs to test the mix so its not a song or any sort of coherent idea, i was just trying to test some different riffs to see how the mix would react.

anyways if you want to check it out you can hear it here:
SoundClick artist: Bulb

Nice man, liking the sound. As pleasurable to the ear as all your other mixes.

Is this with your pod x3l?
Do you have any new patches on Custom tone on line 6 .com ? :D

Last ones were great.
Made any use of the Dual tones?
Wow, that string must be hanging on the guitar... haha, sounds great Misha.

Not the biggest fan of that poppy snare when it goes a bit faster in the song, but it works.