Burnt By The Sun

Soilent Goat

May 26, 2002
Anyone else heard these guys yet? I just picked up their album tonight and good God does it ever WAIL..these guys are very oroginal as well. They throw in alot of different styles on top of their pretty much pure death/hardcore style. KILLS.
I have heard part of the album. I haven't made myself go out and buy it yet, though. I love that type of music. It's something fresh in a world of boring done-before melodic-death/black metal.
i like the album as well.

i bought it the day it came out and never disliked it, but wasn't really in love with it. over the past 6 months or so (that's about right, isn't it?) i still get the urge to listen to it, and it has earned my respect as a solid album.

if i have any complaint it's that it's kind of short. that and the material isn't as original and "out there" as a lot of people say. but that's a minor issue - if you're a fan of this style you're sure to enjoy it.
The album's not too bad, but they have a self-titled EP which came out last year that is much much better than the full-length!

np: Ramones - Merry Christmas