Dead To Fall

Soilent Goat

May 26, 2002
Is anyone else into this band? For those of you who are so hateful towards hardcore and haven't heard this band drop your stereotype of the typical hardcore band because these guys definitely have more to them than's an excellent mixture of At The Gates style melody fused with hardcore metal...their album Everything I Touch Falls to Pieces has not left my cd player in over 2 months..definitely look into them if you like At The Gates style riffs and have trouble enjoying the breakdownish style riffs of hardcore bands...this is definitely worth giving a shot..
dead to fall rules..... I guess victory is jumping on the metal bandwagon seeing as they recently signed between the buried and me and premiontions of war. Not to mention darkest hours new cd is real good.
killthisday said:
dead to fall rules..... I guess victory is jumping on the metal bandwagon seeing as they recently signed between the buried and me and premiontions of war. Not to mention darkest hours new cd is real good.

Oh yeah...Darkest Hour's new alnum is FIRE!!