Burzum - Dauði Baldrs


This is huh, wow...
Apr 7, 2009
Melbourne, Aus

I recently got the album Dauði Baldrs by the artist Burzum. Dauði Baldrs means "The Death Of Baldr" or "Baldr's Death". The tracks I heard on this album were totally different from Burzums early stuff (see my review on the EP Aske).
But enough waffle; onto the album itself.

Track 1 - Bálferð Baldrs: I really liked this song. It had a very gloomy, ambient sound with a lot of treble-filled violin. It was a perfect track to open the album with. (9/10)

Track 2 - Hermoðr á helferð: Once again, this had a treble-filled violin in it, but it wasn't as 'dark' as the previous track. Still quite moving and catchy, though. (8/10)

Track 3 - Í heimr heljar: This track had a very 'royal' feel to it, which lived up to the cover art displayed on this album. A flute of some sort was evident and it was more lively than the previous tracks. (8/10)

Track 4 - Illa tiðandi: I love this song. It has a consistent piano melody with background ambient sounds. It is pieced together really well and it is certainly the best track on the album. (10/10)

Track 5 - Móti ragnarokum: The piano melody in this track was very 'medieval' and lively. It also had some interesting base notes to keep up the ambience of it all. (8/10)

Track 6 - Dauði Baldrs: This track returns to the violin basis of the first few songs. They also added some very loud cymbal percussion, to make it sound a lot more lively. It also contained a bassoon. (9/10)

Overall (9/10): This album is full of brilliant ambience and it is my favourite piece of work by Vikernes. A must for any Burzum fan. Wouldn't go as far to call it 'metal' though.
It's been a few years since I last listened to Daudi Baldrs but...did you honestly enjoy the album that much?

I know it's probably quite common these days for people to write this album off completely - but I remember a long time ago, this was one of those albums that people thought was brilliant simply because Varg wrote it. Perhaps I should give it another listen, but I really didn't think too highly of it the last time I listened to it.

And why wouldn't you consider this album metal?
I don't like it because Varg wrote it; I like it because I like the music. It's actually real melodic and soothing stuff. It is totally different from Varg's old work.

And listen to it closely. It isn't really like all the other metal, but I guess it could slip in as Ambient Black Metal.