The things you´ve written above doesn´t make sense...
First of all; Varg is a fucking genious -espicially when it comes to language.. He speaks very intelligent, both in structure and his choice of words...
Secondly; All the way, Varg has never changed his mind other from satanist to patriotic paganist... and dont blame him for the ones who do not understand him.. And please rememer he is not "racist" (as anti-facists call it) of hate to other races, but for love to his own..! It is a fact that black and white are two different races, just like birds... Same abilities but culturally differed... Please do not say otherwise... That makes you the hater!!!
He is very wise when it comes to religion and antireligion too...
All the way he has also stood in for his actions and have never refused or shown any kind of weakness due to his conviction...
If You understand Norwegian here it is:
Salamurhaaja- Here´s a gem:
"Rasisme er ikke fremmedfrykt, eller hat, eller et mindreverdighetskompleks. Det er et tegn på åndelig sunnhet og kjærlighet til seg selv og sin egen rase!"
"Racism is not fear of strangers, hate, or inferiority complexes. It is a sign of spiritual health and love to oneself and ones race.."