Jesus fucking Christ. Shut the fuck up about Bush already.

I thought this shit was done with. Don't people have more to do rather than bash? Sure, I don't agree with some things like others but at the same time, I'm a patriot. Being a patriot, I'll stick up for my country....especially when I'm drunk.
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Jesus fucking Christ. Shut the fuck up about Bush already.

I thought this shit was done with. Don't people have more to do rather than bash? Sure, I don't agree with some things like others but at the same time, I'm a patriot. Being a patriot, I'll stick up for my country....especially when I'm drunk.

If you are a real patriot, go here www.infowars.com

Martial Law in US??? You bet,

i think Chuck said it best, Living in the pupil of 1,000 eyes.
I think that not questioning your government and blindly following their lead is the most unpatriotic thing you can do. The government isnt your country, the people are. The US government tends to forget that
Silver Incubus said:
If you are a real patriot, go here www.infowars.com

Martial Law in US??? You bet,

i think Chuck said it best, Living in the pupil of 1,000 eyes.

1) you don't even live here.

2) Infowars is a conspiracy theory website, run by a nutcase (Alex Jones) with his own agenda.

3) If you really believe that shit (and it is shit), then you are just as bad as the extreme right wing who thing nothing is wrong at all.

P.S. I don't subscribe to either left or right ideals, i do/say what i feel is right. It may be pushed by either side, but i don't care, becuase it feels right.

That being said, try to keep political stuff at a bare minimum in this forum, we used to have a lot of it, and all it did was cause flame wars and complaining and bitch.
bobvex said:
That being said, try to keep political stuff at a bare minimum in this forum, we used to have a lot of it, and all it did was cause flame wars and complaining and bitch.
Which certainly shows how mature this board is
Taliesin said:
Which certainly shows how mature this board is

well i feel lots of people can have a civilized discussion about politics, but everytime we do some lurker or a newbie with a vengeance gets up and just starts being a dumbass. Most of us can talk like decent human beings.
bobvex said:
1) you don't even live here.

2) Infowars is a conspiracy theory website, run by a nutcase (Alex Jones) with his own agenda.

3) If you really believe that shit (and it is shit), then you are just as bad as the extreme right wing who thing nothing is wrong at all.

P.S. I don't subscribe to either left or right ideals, i do/say what i feel is right. It may be pushed by either side, but i don't care, becuase it feels right.

That being said, try to keep political stuff at a bare minimum in this forum, we used to have a lot of it, and all it did was cause flame wars and complaining and bitch.

1) I do respect your posistion as moderator and the duties of it.
2) Just because I live in the north doesn't mean it can't effect me.
3)It isn't a conspiracy website, because it is the NEWS
4)THerfore it isn't about politics, its about what is happening right now. The Real NEWS,
5)I will try to only post what is relevent
Silver Incubus said:
3)It isn't a conspiracy website, because it is the NEWS
4)THerfore it isn't about politics, its about what is happening right now. The Real NEWS

Alex Jones is widely regarded as a conspiracy theorist, and this board "reports" other conspiracy theorists postings based off of various news articles, speculation, and discussion with peers.

He says it's the news, but it's really just "news" from other conspircay sites.
What's your point Bob? He's conspiracy theorist, so what? That doesnt make him any less credible in that case, especially not when he has links to 2 sites proving that Bush actually said that. And whitehouse.gov is the official white house website, right?
Taliesin said:
What's your point Bob? He's conspiracy theorist, so what? That doesnt make him any less credible in that case, especially not when he has links to 2 sites proving that Bush actually said that. And whitehouse.gov is the official white house website, right?

Oh i know, he did say that, but im not talking about the quote, im just talking about the site in general. Surf around it, and then try and tell me with a straight face that it's a reliable news source.

Silver Incubus said:
its not a conspiracy if there is proof.

I know theres proof of what he said, but the implanted microchips (which also track you and provide identification, along with Social security numbers, bank records, and other shit like that), the National ID's and the "New World Order" along with all that police state shit is a joke.