bobvex said:
Surf around it, and then try and tell me with a straight face that it's a reliable news source.
"A rerliable news source" is something very, very rare so I certainly wouldnt call it that, and to find out how reliable a news source really is takes a lot of time and effort anyway. Any news site run by only one person gives reason to doubt the content anyway.. but that was never my point.
On the other hand, do you want to tell me with a straight face that the patriotic act doesnt violate the freedoms you are entitled to on the grounds of your constitution?

Im not saying there isnt a hype to agitate against the Bush Agenda, but a lot of people make good points with their claims and accusations, and some can be found on the site.
bobvex said:
I know theres proof of what he said, but the implanted microchips (which also track you and provide identification, along with Social security numbers, bank records, and other shit like that), the National ID's and the "New World Order" along with all that police state shit is a joke.





NO, no such thing exists. Well then what the hell is a VERICHIP?????

and it was BUSH sr, who said NEW WORLD ORDER, and was talking about it comming into place!!!

no theories just facts!o_O

I'm sorry that you are ignorant of what is reported in the news.
Taliesin said:
"A rerliable news source" is something very, very rare so I certainly wouldnt call it that, and to find out how reliable a news source really is takes a lot of time and effort anyway. Any news site run by only one person gives reason to doubt the content anyway.. but that was never my point.
On the other hand, do you want to tell me with a straight face that the patriotic act doesnt violate the freedoms you are entitled to on the grounds of your constitution?

Im not saying there isnt a hype to agitate against the Bush Agenda, but a lot of people make good points with their claims and accusations, and some can be found on the site.

True, I leave it up to the person to decide it, ultimately. But i don't believe a lot of it. I'm not saying that out freedoms aren't being choked off, but the Implanted microchips is rather assinine, don't you think.
Silver Incubus said:




NO, no such thing exists. Well then what the hell is a VERICHIP?????

and it was BUSH sr, who said NEW WORLD ORDER, and was talking about it comming into place!!!

no theories just facts!o_O

I'm sorry that you are ignorant of what is reported in the news.

I mean as far as the government forcing people to get one implanted. Some facts, alot of speculation. read ALL news sources before you make your decision. It's up to you, in the end, but don't JUST read info wars. read other mainstream newspapers too, just to round out your facts.
bobvex said:
True, I leave it up to the person to decide it, ultimately. But i don't believe a lot of it. I'm not saying that out freedoms aren't being choked off, but the Implanted microchips is rather assinine, don't you think.
Nono Im sure the CIA is in everyone's heads :p
Fuck Georgie. And his Pro-Life bullshit. Yeah.
See, i'm not anti-American, just anti-faschist and anti-stupid.
And yes I'm drunk -and when drunk I'm still myself -or mybe even 110% myself. I just express myself more directly and bluntly when drunk. Or very bluntly even.
what pisses me off is our gov is all like
and we are Republic........... makes sense? FUCK NO